13 March 2020
Icon Mission

Latest Developments in ESP

I am pleased to give you an update of some latest developments in ESP. Please see below for more information.

The new ESP3201 Machine Learning in Robotics and Engineering course

From this semester 1 AY20/21, the Engineering Science Programme will launch a new module, ESP3201 Machine Learning in Robotics and Engineering, into its Computational Engineering Science (CES) Specialisation. The new module, ESP3201 Machine Learning in Robotics and Engineering, is proposed for the ESP Computational Engineering Science specialisations. The module builds on the control theory and basic programming/robotics project that ESP students do in the foundation ESP2110 Design Project 2. The new module combines mathematical modelling, programming and engineering applications. Students will apply mathematical/computing principles of machine learning to real world tasks such as localisation and vision. The new module combines mathematical modelling, such as Kalman/Particle filtering, and has at the same time, a 50% project where students gain hands-on experience of programming/controlling a robotics platform.

Collaboration project opportunities with Tan Tock Seng hospital

ESP have an ongoing collaboration with Tan Tock Seng hospital. Final year projects are set on a variety of different topics, covering sensors in medicine for the geriatric ward, and electronics projects for Radiology applications. A former ESP student is now finishing a Master’s project on in-situ bed weighing, and recent final year projects were set on designing a position sensitive system for Nasal Gastric tube feeding.  There are opportunities to apply for MEng projects that are co-funded by the hospital.

Collaboration and sponsoring opportunities with semiconductor company KLA sponsorships

ESP have an ongoing collaboration with the company KLA. KLA have employed several PHD students who were supervised by ESP academic staff, and have a special interest in Engineering Science. They offer ESP students internship opportunities and are frequently in touch about job opportunities. They are a company that naturally combine engineering with science, with their laser optical and electron optical test equipment for the semiconductor industry and they are offering scholars in full-time and mid-term categories, see the information below.

We would like to share with you that KLA has participated in the Singapore-Industry Scholarship (SgIS) programme and KLA is currently one of the sponsoring organisations for students. This programme is administered by MOE, in collaboration with EDB and other government agencies, with the aim to groom future Singaporean leaders and build pipeline of talent for the sponsoring organisation.

Below are some key information on the SgIS programme:

  • The SgIS scholars are bonded to the sponsoring organisation, of up to 4 years depending on the type of scholarship schemes;
  • Only the top 15% of each cohort is eligible to apply;
  • The eligibility criteria for full-term and mid-term local undergraduate as follow:


Full-term Local Undergraduate Mid-term Local Undergraduate
·        Singapore Citizens

·        Recent graduates with good GCE A Level certification, International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma, NUS High School Diploma or Polytechnic Diploma

·        Good Co-curricular Activities (CCA) and leadership achievements

·        Passion to contribute to Singapore’s strategic sectors

·        Seeking admission or have been accepted for admission to the following institutions across all disciplines (excluding Healthcare-related disciplines): NUS, NTU, SMU, SUTD, SIT, SUSS


·        Singapore Citizens

·        Have completed at least 1 academic semester in university and have not embarked on the final year of study at the point of application

·        Good Co-curricular Activities (CCA) and leadership achievements

·        Passion to contribute to Singapore’s strategic sectors

·        Good undergraduate results across all disciplines (excluding healthcare-related disciplines): NUS, NTU, SMU, SUTD, SIT, SUSS


Key benefits and what the students will gain from this SgIS programme:

  • Full tuition fee sponsor for Year 3 & Year 4 (for mid-term local)
  • An opportunity to work in KLA Corporation, a reputable MNC headquartered in Silicon Valley and the market leader in metrology and inspection process control equipment

The application is currently open until 22 March 2020.

Hence, we would like to seek your assistance to share this opportunity with your students and do let us know if any of them would be interested in applying for this scholarship with KLA (subject to further assessment and approval by MOE).

The students can apply directly via the SgIS application page: https://www-singaporeindustryscholarship-sg-admin.cwp.sg/application

For more information on KLA, they can visit: https://www.singaporeindustryscholarship.sg/industries/engineering/kla-corporation


Prof. Anjam Khursheed

Engineering Science Programme

National University of Singapore


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