6 June 2016

Associate Professor Palani Balaya’s project one of 6 to win $15 million Energy Storage Grant Call

Four NUS Engineering projects on developing cost-effective energy solutions were among six that won the $15 million Energy Storage Grant Call. The winners were revealed at Energy Innovation 2016 Forum, held on 3 June. The projects, funded by the Energy Market Authority’s (EMA) grant, will look at enabling the deployment of energy storage under Singapore’s hot, humid and urbanised environment. EMA, which falls under the purview of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, aims to ensure a reliable and secure energy supply, and develop a dynamic energy sector in Singapore. The four NUS Principal Investigators (PIs) are Associate Professors Wang Qing, Palani Balaya and Sanjib Kumar Panda; and Assistant Professor Praveen Linga. Assoc Profs Wang and Balaya’s projects will investigate battery technologies that are suitable for deployment in hot, humid and highly urbanised environments. Asst Prof Linga will explore the development of solidified natural gas technology for energy storage while Assoc Prof Panda aims to improve the interface between battery energy storage and utility grids, to reduce energy losses. The NUS Centre for Energy Research & Technology facilitated the grant process by linking up the PIs with industry partners.

Read more here.

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