27 March 2017

ESP receives International accreditation for the next 5 years

Our programme has officially received the news that it will be accredited for the next 5 years. The Evaluation Team of the Engineering Accreditation Board (EAB) of the Institution of Engineers, Singapore(IES) conducted a 2-day accreditation on-site visit to assess the Bachelor of Engineering (Engineering Science) program on 18th and 19th October 2016 against the criteria set out in the EAB Accreditation Manual. The result, ESP has passed with flying colours. The EAB summarised their report as follows.

Main strengths

(i) The mission and programme educational objectives of the Engineering Science program are periodically reviewed based on discussions with ESP’s Industry Advisory Committee.
(ii) In addition to the above, the SLOs and MLOs are periodically reviewed for improvement.
(iii) Staff and ESP Associates show great enthusiasm and passion for teaching and conducting hands-on experiments.
(iv) The student intake profile is good – attracting many good students primarily from both the Junior Colleges and overseas with equivalent qualifications.
(v) The academic qualifications of the ESP associates are of high standard and their resources are supplemented by postgraduate students from their respective departments. Teaching quality assurance is achieved via student feedback and a detailed review of teaching and examination results at the end of each semester.

Area for Improvement

(i) We recommend the cross-disciplinary aspect of the program be more clearly articulated to the students.

This report is an international recognition of the high quality of our programme, with particular emphasis on the “enthusiasm and passion” of our academic staff for “hands-on experiments”. There is only one minor weakness mentioned, which can be easily corrected. Congratulations are in order for the whole ESP team, especially to those academic/support staff directly involved in the accreditation exercise.

Special thanks go to the ESP accreditation committee, consisting of Profs CM Wang, A. Khursheed and E. Birgersson, with inputs from J. Shailendra and J. van Kan. And also to the support staff who gathered information and helped compiled the final report, Violet, Priya, Anna and our ESP alumnus, Kwok Hoe.

Click here for copy of the certificate.

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