Programme structure

For coursework graduate programmes, classes are normally conducted in the evenings (from 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm from Mondays to Fridays) and are awarded once the candidates pass the relevant examinations in a prescribed number of subjects.

International candidates who are not long-term residents of Singapore at the time of application are only eligible to apply for the full-time Masters programmes, and if offered admission, they are to be registered as full-time students.

The typical study workload for students are as follow:  

Details1 Full-Time Part-Time
 Requirements 40 Units (Us), inclusive of compulsory core courses (if any).


80 Units (Us), inclusive of compulsory core courses (if any).

Minimum residency 50% of required Units.
Maximum workload per semester2 16 to 20 Units3 12 Units
Normal duration4
·      Master of Architecture 4 semesters / 2 years Not applicable
Maximum Candidature
·        Master of Science (Biomedical Engineering)

·        Master of Science (Chemical Engineering)

·        Master of Science (Civil Engineering)

·        Master of Science (Computer Engineering)

·        Master of Science (Electrical Engineering)

·        Master of Science (Energy Systems)

·        Master of Science (Environmental Engineering)

·        Master of Science (Industrial and Systems Engineering)

·        Master of Science (Management of Technology and Innovation)

·        Master of Science (Maritime Technology and Management)

·        Master of Science (Materials Science and Engineering)

·        Master of Science (Mechanical Engineering)

·        Master of Science (Robotics)

·        Master of Science (Safety, Health and Environmental Technology)

·        Master of Science (Semiconductor Technology and Operations)

·        Master of Science (Supply Chain Management)

4 semesters / 2 years 8 semesters / 4 years
·      Master of Arts (Urban Design)

·      Master of Arts (Architectural Conservation)

·      Master of Science (Project Management)

·      Master of Science (Building Performance and Sustainability)

·      Master of Science (Integrated Sustainable Design)

·      Graduate Diploma in Architectural Conservation

4 semesters / 2 years 6 semesters / 3 years
·      Master of Architecture

·      Master of Landscape Architecture

·      Master of Urban Planning

6 semesters / 3 years Not applicable

1 For details on continuation and graduation requirements, refer to College of Design and Engineering website

2 A graduate course is normally equivalent to 4 Units. A 4-Unit course would normally require 10 hours of work a week, including lectures, tutorials, laboratory sessions, assignments, and independent or group study. Refer to NUS modular system.

3 For full-time courses offered by Department of Architecture, students may be required to take more than 20 Units.

4 MOE subsidised programmes only: For students eligible for MOE subsidised fees, note that the Tuition fee subsidy is only for the duration of their normal candidature duration (this is different from maximum candidature period), non-subsidised fees apply thereafter.