
Every ISE undergraduate is required to take up a credit bearing internship for at least 12 weeks during their undergraduate life to gain working experience and apply what we learn in school to the real world.

We interviewed Gabriela who was an intern at Unilever and Procter & Gamble (P&G).


What did you do at your internships?

During my internship with P&G, I was responsible for several projects, such as process automation, process improvement, and demand analytics. On the other hand, I was given the opportunity to work on several projects, including logistics cost savings, performance analytics dashboard, and palm oil education awareness during my internship with Unilever.

What challenges did you face during your internships?

Firstly, I felt that the learning curve was quite steep. I had to adapt and acquire new software and skills quickly, and I was initially overwhelmed. Under the guidance of my supervisor and with much determination, I was able to pick up the new software and skills rapidly. Furthermore, I found managing multiple projects and different stakeholders quite challenging. Fortunately, my experience in my CCAs and learnings from ISE’s project management class taught me the essential project management skills. As a result, I was able to apply those skills and manage my projects seamlessly.

What was your most memorable experience during your internships?

Despite the challenges, I gained a lot of memorable experiences throughout my internships. I was very excited to see how my projects impacted the people around me and increased my team’s capabilities and efficiency. I also got the opportunity to hear and learn from senior leaders and gain valuable inputs regarding my projects and personal development. Lastly, I had the chance to participate in my company's corporate social responsibility (CSR) project, where I distributed free ice cream to people on the streets on a sunny day. It was very memorable and heartwarming to see how our CSR project brought smiles to our fellow Singaporeans.

What was the biggest takeaway from your internships?

Through my internships, I learnt that I should not be afraid to ask any questions and be proactive at work. These helped me to refine my project directions and deliver critical activities quicker. Moreover, working on multiple projects with different people often brings some unexpected challenges along the way. As such, it is necessary to be adaptable and agile to a fast-changing environment. Lastly, I learnt not to overpromise and under-deliver, instead, I should underpromise and overdeliver to manage different expectations.

How is work different from school?

While you set your own goals when you are studying, you often have Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) set for you when you are working. As a result, you have greater responsibility for your work as your work does not only impact you but also different stakeholders and the company as a whole.
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How did ISE prepare you for your internship?

Studying ISE has helped me a lot in my internships as ISE equipped me with relevant skills and knowledge to adapt to the workplace environment. Some skills include project management, data analysis and visualization, business intelligence, leadership, critical thinking, and communication skills. In addition, ISE has also taught me systems thinking which enabled me to see the bigger picture of my work and understand how my work contributes to the overall company’s goal. Knowing how I am contributing to the greater good really helped keep me going when I face challenges at work.

What is one advice that you would give to students looking for an internship?

Know the industry that interests you, know the company you are applying to, and just go for it!