21 September 2021
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NUS Staff Club establishes student prize award for mechanical engineering students

Image: Prof Gregory Chirkjian (left), Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, receiving the donation cheque from Dr Wu Ya Jun (middle), Chairperson for NUS Staff Club, witnessed by A/Prof Lee Kim Seng (right), Vice-Chairman for NUS Staff Club.

The NUS Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME Dept) has received from NUS Staff Club, a gift of S$40,000 to establish an undergraduate student prize award. The donation cheque was presented by Dr Wu Ya Jun, chairman of NUS Staff Club, to Professor Gregory Chirikjian, head of ME Dept, today. The donation was made in acknowledgement of the contributions and support to the club by members of the ME Dept over the years.

The established award has been named “NUS Staff Club Prize” and will consist of a S$1,000 cash prize that will be awarded annually to the best student in the module ME4262 Automation in Engineering, or equivalent.

The department would like to express its utmost appreciation to the NUS Staff Club for its generosity and contribution to academic excellence.

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