Doctor of Engineering (EngD) Programme

For application and programme details, please refer to Faculty of Engineering, Doctor of Engineering (EngD) program.

More Info Here

Module Requirements:

EngD students must complete 8 modules (32 MCs), of which 4 of the modules (16 MCs) shall be chosen from the area of technology management, engineering leadership and/or business administration, e.g. module MT5010 Technology Intelligence and IP Strategy.

The other 4 modules should technical modules under the discipline of Materials Science and Engineering. Among these 4 technical modules, 3 modules must be from the core and elective modules lists of PhD programme under Department of Materials Science and Engineering. The remaining 1 module can be any postgraduate module under Faculty of Engineering (excluding management module) and Faculty of Science.

EngD students do not need to complete module EG5911 Research Methodology & Ethics, but modules ES5101 Technical Communications for Engineers and MLE6999 Doctoral Seminars are still compulsory. EngD students are not allowed to take industrial attachment module MLE5666. Doctoral Seminars module MLE6999 and Graduate English Course modules (ES5101 etc.) do not contribute the total number of MC completed.


Staff assisting Module Registration, Examination Processing, S/U option and Thesis Submission to internal examiners: Dr Kong Hui Zi ( and Mr Javier Ang (