Minor Overview

Stemming from the imperative to train students to understanding how Cities can be made liveable amidst increasing urbanisation, Minor in Cities will build upon the Liveable Cities course to provide greater insight and analysis into the components of a liveable city.

It will provide a holistic and comprehensive lens in which students may understand how complex cities are, and that systems thinking is needed to resolve urban challenges, leading to integrated systems solutions that will attain liveability goals. The planned Minor in Cities will be largely case based with teaching being conducted by a mix of practitioners and academics.

Graduation Requirements

To fulfil the Minor in Cities, you are required to pass at least 20 units of courses from the following:

  1. CDE2501 Liveable Cities
  2. a minimum of 16 units from the following:
    • CDE2502 Cities for All
    • CDE2503 Cities in Nature
    • CDE3504 Smart Cities
    • CDE3505 Planning and Governing Cities
    • CDE4501A Topics in Challenges of Cities
    • CDE4501B Topics in Challenges of Cities

Last updated on 27 June 2024. 

Courses offered in Semester 1


CDE2501 is offered in both Semester 1 & 2 of each academic year.

CDE2501 Liveable Cities is a core course for all students within the College of Design and Engineering (CDE) under the Sustainable Futures Pillar as part of the CDE common curriculum. It is offered as a General Education (GE) elective for all NUS students from AY23/24.  

The course introduces students to the Liveability Framework (LF), developed by the Centre of Liveable Cities (CLC) and the systems thinking approach used to examine cities. Students will explore a range of topics that contribute to understanding a city’s complexities as well as what contributes to successful and sustainable development.  

Click here to learn more about the course.


Smart Cities aims to design smart, innovative, sustainable solutions to create a competitive economy, which is one of the key quality of life indicators. It introduces how Singapore tackled its urban challenges specifically in the area of economic and urban development, through case studies and the use of a systems approach based on the Singapore Liveability Framework (LF). Case studies from the Urban Systems Studies (USSs) of Singapore written by the Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC) will form the basis of this module.

View this for the course synopsis: CDE3504 Smart Cities Writeup AY24/25


Through this course, students will first be introduced to the current planning system, at strategic, local, and operational levels. Students will also understand how issues are typically addressed with a quantitative and policy framework. Students will then explore the linkages of city planning, urban governance, and public policy implementation, to create collaborations between stakeholders to address the gaps within our planning system and policy implementation.

View this for the course synopsis: CDE3505 Planning and Governing Cities Writeup - Website AY24/25


CDE4501A is offered in Semester 1 of each academic year.

Each run of the course focuses on a topical study or thematic analysis of specific urban issues to provide greater insights and highlight current cutting-edge research and technologies in the field. Students will have the opportunity to learn, interact and collaborate with these leading professionals to stay abreast of the latest trends, practices, and challenges to remain informed and adaptable in the ever-changing environment of cities.

This coming semester AY24/25 Semester 1, Prof. Herbert Dreiseitl (Visiting Professor, NUS Cities; Founder and CEO of DREISEITLconsulting) and Prof. Veera Sekaran (Office of the President, NUS; Founder of Greenology) will be co-leading the course.

View this for the course synopsis: CDE4501A Topics in Challenges of Cities AY24/25

Courses offered in Semester 2


CDE2501 is offered in both Semester 1 & 2 of each academic year.

CDE2501 Liveable Cities is a core course for all students within the College of Design and Engineering (CDE) under the Sustainable Futures Pillar as part of the CDE common curriculum. It is offered as a General Education (GE) elective for all NUS students from AY23/24.  

The course introduces students to the Liveability Framework (LF), developed by the Centre of Liveable Cities (CLC) and the systems thinking approach used to examine cities. Students will explore a range of topics that contribute to understanding a city’s complexities as well as what contributes to successful and sustainable development.  

Click here to learn more about the course.


This course focuses on the High Quality of Life outcome of the Liveability Framework. The course introduces students to social concepts, topics, and processes within the city and their effects on not only physical infrastructure, but also the intangible effects and manifestations on social structures, the community, and individuals.

With the world rapidly urbanising, how will our cities ensure a high quality of life to make cities ‘liveable’? What is liveability and how do we envision it? This module addresses key issues such as housing, accessibility, health and ageing, conservation, and culture to analyse how social structures affect and extend within the built environment. We will explore the ways in which these structures and processes manifest within the urban context to understand how we can further develop sustainable software, hardware, and ‘heartware’ that contribute to an equitable, liveable city with a high quality of life for its citizens. 

Using the themes of Sustainable Towns and Home For All, students will delve deeper into the Quality of Life outcome of the Liveability Framework (LF) developed by the Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC) as it relates to HDB Towns as well as Singapore as a whole. They will get the opportunity to hear from practitioners and academics to holistically understand the social processes that underpin the concept of a high quality of life and investigate the various manners in which these ideas manifest within a city. 


Cities in Nature focuses on the Sustainable Environment outcomes of the Liveability Framework. Where Liveable Cities serves as the core foundation module for students to appreciate cities as complex systems presenting a wide range of seemingly simple problems/issues but requiring integrated systems thinking to achieve a holistic outcome, Cities in Nature delves deeper into the Sustainable Environment aspect of liveability.  

Problems and issues investigated and discussed are geared towards Singapore’s vision of a City in Nature and how increasingly, many cities around the world are facing environmental crises and disasters. Sustainability is the focus here with an emphasis on the environment, something which is often neglected or rendered secondary in the backdrop of economic growth and development.  

Students will learn to appreciate how difficult it is to tackle urban issues, balancing the needs of various stakeholders while minimising the adverse impacts that development often has on the environment. It is possible to develop holistic integrated solutions that allow nature to coexist or even thrive with urban development. By introducing case studies through the USS and real-world examples, students will glean insights on how a City in Nature is made possible. 


CDE4501B is offered in Semester 2 of each academic year.

Each run of the course focuses on a topical study or thematic analysis of specific urban issues to provide greater insights and highlight current cutting-edge research and technologies in the field. Students will have the opportunity to learn, interact and collaborate with these leading professionals to stay abreast of the latest trends, practices, and challenges to remain informed and adaptable in the ever-changing environment of cities.

Stay tuned for more information on what is installed for this course in the semester!


The Minor in Cities is open to all students in NUS with strong interests in urban planning, policy and governance. Students can declare their interest no later than the end of the 4th Semester of their study.

Employment Opportunities

The Minor in Cities is a multidisciplinary programme that equips student with an understanding of how cities can be liveable and sustainable, through a combination good planning and infrastructure, policies and governance. IT will equip graduates majoring in traditional disciplines to have a broader and practical understanding of what it takes to solve complex urban problems. This unique training will give the graduates an edge in various sectors, ranging from public sector (e.g.: URA, HDB, JTC), private sector (e.g.: real estate developers and investors), and NGOs (e.g.: C40, the ADB and World Bank).

Contact us to find out more!