The SHINE centre is a new research platform, jointly supported by NRF, DSO, NUS, NTU and A*STAR to develop the next-generation hybrid-integrated (flexible and rigid) microelectronics in Singapore and address the grand challenges of next-generation IoT technologies. The centre’s mission is to address the fundamental issues arising in IoT microelectronics in the context of Singapore’s Smart Nation Infrastructure:

  • The increase of low-volume high-mix products that fragment microelectronic R&D, design, and manufacturing
  • The introduction of differentiating material innovation to microelectronic technologies, despite the escalating production cost and risks of advanced technology nodes.
  • The creation of deep technology manufacturing capability to enable small-enterprise disruptors

The centre also aims to engage industry players during the development cycle, to eventually translate the technology to industry. Apart from a strong team formed by top-notch Professors across the world, A*star Institute of Microelectronics (IME) and DSO National Laboratories (DSO) will be actively involved as research participants, to work together with academia in realizing the go-to application and finally deliver to technology receptacles. Technologies developed for defence application will also be explored for consumer applications. Specifically, the SHINE centre focuses on 4 thrusts:

  1. New Design /System Enablement
  2. Functional Material, Processing & Sensors
  3. Device, Circuit, Form-factor Co-design
  4. Hybrid Process Integration Capabilities