Understanding Energy Systems for Decarbonisation

Understanding Energy Systems for Decarbonisation

Date: To be confirmed

Duration: 14 Hours

Mode Of Delivery: Face-to-Face

Tuition Fees: S$1900.00 (Before GST)

Understanding Energy Systems for Decarbonisation

What You Will Learn

The course is designed to give an overview and selected deep-dives of different energy systems. The course will provide the followings. Firstly, the course provides the basic knowledge on major energy consumption systems including thermal and power generation. Secondly, opportunities to decarbonisation will be analysed through (i) energy efficiency improvement, (ii) technology integration, for instance coupling of power generation technologies and district level cooling systems, and (iii) different fuel uses. Lastly, the participants will learn technical aspects of current and future energy technologies

Who Will Benefit

Related experience in Energy industries


Mask group

Assoc Professor Md Raisul Islam

Dr. Md Raisul Islam was awarded a research scholarship by the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1998 to undertake a research project on the heat and mass transfer processes of air conditioning systems and was awarded a PhD degree in 2003. After completing his PhD, he continued his research and teaching initially at NUS and later at Curtin University, Malaysia. In 2008 he joined as a Technical Director of LJ Energy Pte Ltd. His main role was to lead a team of Engineers in the energy audit and energy retrofit of major energy consuming systems such as Chiller, Boiler, Compressed air, and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems used in industries, commercial buildings, hotels, hospitals and retail malls. He was also involved in teaching several Engineering Professional courses such as (1) Singapore Certified Energy Manager (Professional level), (2) Green Mark Facilities Manager, and (3) Energy Management Programme for Public Sector’s Facilities Managers administrated by the National Environment Agency (NEA). He is a Chartered Engineer. His professional qualifications include Singapore Certified Energy Manager (SCEM), Energy Efficiency Opportunities Assessor (EEOA), Qualified Energy Services Specialist (QuESS), BCA Registered Energy Auditor, Green Mark Professional, Green Mark Facility Manager, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design – Accredited Professional (LEED AP, USA), and Green Building Index Facilitator (GBIF). Presently, as an Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department of NUS, he is continuing his teaching and research on energy systems.

Entry Requirements

Engineering degree, or equivalent qualification;
OR - Related experience in Energy industries

Available Discounts and Benefits

Price 1900 - Understanding Energy Systems for Decarbonisation

Course Code: TGS-2022012322

*Learners must fulfill at least 75% attendance and pass all assessment components, to be eligible for SSG funding.

**Please note that the mode of delivery is subject to change in light of the COVID-19 situation.

Courses marked ‘online’ may have compulsory face-to-face sessions such as laboratory or hands-on components and details should be sought from the schools or departments before learners register for them.

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