Research at the NUS College of Design and Engineering

Forging new frontiers through interdisciplinary exploration and discovery


At CDE, we push boundaries to achieve world-class research excellence through the exploration and application of engineering, architecture and design to solve complex problems. We aim to pioneer a unique model of interdisciplinary research that takes advantage of the natural synergies between these fields.

Battery-free technology to power devices using ambient radio waves

July 25, 2024

Researchers at CDE develop innovative green energy technology to harness Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals.

Digital technologies leading the way in ‘Construction 4.0’

July 22, 2024

Research by CDE’s Prof Florence Y. Y. Ling identifies key tools for boosting quality, productivity and competitiveness in the built environment sector.

Q&A: Experts call for urgent action on indoor air quality

July 4, 2024

CDE’s Prof Chandra Sekhar and Assoc Prof Tham Kwok Wai discuss critical need for global indoor air quality standards to safeguard public health.

Partnerships forged for coastal protection and flood management

June 28, 2024

The MOUs signed during SIWW 2024 aim to strengthen the parties’ shared commitment to developing solutions in coastal protection and flood management.

Turbocharging the energy efficiency of AI processors

July 4, 2024

Breakthroughs in chip design techniques offer three crucial benefits for AI devices: reduced power consumption, extended battery life and the ability to support intense computational workloads.

Learning from the lotus leaf

July 4, 2024

Inspired by the lotus leaf, the ‘eAir’ sensor achieves near-ideal pressure sensing and is applicable in diverse liquid environments, including those involved in medical settings.

Keeping cancer cells content

July 4, 2024

A jelly-like hydrogel platform keeps tumours alive for ten days, enabling an effective testing ground for various anti-cancer drugs and treatments.

Serving innovation on a ceramic platter

July 4, 2024

Innovative ceramic wares with built-in electronic circuits are capable of responding to touch, temperature and moisture, blending technology with everyday items to create convenience and connection.

Professor Sir Konstantin Novoselov,
Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Associate Professor Benjamin Tee,
Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Professor Lim Chwee Teck,
Department of Biomedical Engineering

Professor Liu Bin,
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Professor Seeram Ramakrishna,
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Key Areas of Research

Explore research grant programmes

Research grant programmes by the CDE