10 January 2018

NUS Electrical & Computer Engineering Faculty elevated to IEEE Fellows

Associate Professor Guo Yongxin,
NUS Electrical & Computer Engineering
Associate Professor Guo Yongxin, NUS Electrical & Computer Engineering
Associate Professor Mehul Motani,
NUS Electrical & Computer Engineering
Associate Professor Mehul Motani, NUS Electrical & Computer Engineering

FROM 1 January 2018, Associate Professor Guo Yongxin and Associate Professor Mehul Motani from NUS Electrical & Computer Engineering were elevated to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Fellows, a distinction conferred upon select members who have displayed an outstanding record of accomplishments in their fields of interest.

Assoc Prof Guo Yongxin was awarded the accolade for his outstanding contributions to wideband printed antennas, in particular with his research relating to small and wideband antennas, wireless power, and MMIC modelling and designs. He has served as a General Chair of IEEE IMWS-AMP 2015 and IEEE IMWS-Bio 2013, as well as the Associate Editor for IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwave in Medicine and Biology (JERM) and IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.

Assoc Prof Mehul Motani has made significant contributions to fundamental problems in network information theory, the design and optimisation of novel wireless networking algorithms, and deep learning for healthcare applications. He has also contributed to the IEEE in numerous capacities, including serving as the Secretary of the IEEE Information Theory Society Board of Governors, and as an Associate Editor for both the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and the IEEE Transactions on Communications.

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