Principles of Additive and Hybrid Manufacturing

Principles of Additive and Hybrid Manufacturing

Date: To be confirmed

Duration: 8 Hours

Mode Of Delivery: Face-to-Face

Tuition Fees: S$1080.00 (Before GST)

Principles of Additive and Hybrid Manufacturing

What You Will Learn

This short course provides an overview and advanced knowledge of additive and hybrid manufacturing. The topics covered include understanding the various material additive manufacturing processes, applying concepts to industrial applications, and how non-conventional manufacturing processes can be combined to make features.

Who Will Benefit

Additive Manufacturing/ Application/ Manufacturing/ Production/ 3D Printing Process/ Research Engineer

Entry Requirements

Relevant Engineering degree


Li Bingbing

Assoc Professor Li Bingbing

Assoc Prof Li Bingbing is working with the AM.NUS center on the collaborative research in additive manufacturing and smart manufacturing. Prof Li is the Associate Professor (sabbatical) of Manufacturing Systems Engineering at California State University Northridge (CSUN) and serves as the Associate Director of NASA Autonomy Research Center for STEAHM (ARCS).

YEN Ching Chiuan

Assoc Professor Yen Ching Chiuan

A/Prof YEN Ching Chiuan is the Co-Director of Keio-NUS CUTE Center, Deputy Director of NUS Centre for Additive Manufacturing (AM.NUS) and was the founding Head of Division of Industrial Design (DID) at the National University of Singapore (NUS).  He also holds joint appointments with the Smart Systems Institute and Centre for Additive Manufacturing (AM.NUS) at NUS.  His research interests lie in methodologies for design, and he champions a “pluralistic dimension” of design study and research, in particular, in the area of design for healthcare and medicine. He has worked with many renowned companies including: ABBOT, ASUS, BMW Designwork USA, Coca Cola, Creative, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, DELL, Estee Lauder, OSIM, National University Hospital, Samsung, Swarovski, Tupperware, and VISA, etc. He has successfully received over S$ 30M grant as PI/Co-PI/Collaborator from government agencies, universities and industries.  His supervision in design is highly regarded and has received more than 50 top international or regional design awards, including, to name a few, the, Stanford Longevity Technology Prize 2015, Braunprize 2007, Luminary, red-dot award: design concept 2006, ACM CHI Student Competition 2016 and James Dyson Award (Singapore) 2012.

Available Discounts and Benefits

Price 1080

Course Code: TGS-2020503088

*Learners must fulfill at least 75% attendance and pass all assessment components, to be eligible for SSG funding.

**Please note that the mode of delivery is subject to change in light of the COVID-19 situation.

Courses marked ‘online’ may have compulsory face-to-face sessions such as laboratory or hands-on components and details should be sought from the schools or departments before learners register for them.

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