Community Culture

CDE Student Values

Students of Design and Engineering are versatile students by nature and nurture. They are agile individuals who thrive in a constantly-changing environment and overcome complex challenges.

Students of Design and Engineering are transformative leaders whose ideas and flair drive innovation towards a better tomorrow.

Students of Design and Engineering engage with one another within the college and beyond. This sense of belonging is a source of strength and endurance.


Our student life official mascot is a wolf, named WOLFRAM (pronounced as WOLF-REM).


Women in Volunteering and Community Service Opportunities

We recognise that the students of today are passionate about many causes and are often looking out for opportunities to enable them to make a difference. With the help of a donated gift, the CDE Office of Student Life provides a grant to encourage female students in CDE to organise and/or participate in volunteering and community service opportunities.

If you intend to embark on such a project this year, check out more information in the application form (2024) and submit the details of your project(s).