Two CDE Alumni Honoured at NUS Alumni Awards


Two CDE alumni have been honoured at the NUS Alumni Awards, a biennial ceremony for the University to recognise alumni who have distinguished themselves through significant and impactful contributions to their alma mater, society and the world.

Mr Brian Tan Kai Piang, Regional President of Applied Materials Southeast Asia (Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Class of 2000) received the Distinguished Alumni Service Award, whilst Dr Aishwarya Bandla, Regional R&D Manager at Paxman Coolers (Doctor of Philosophy, Biomedical Engineering, Class of 2017) received the Outstanding Young Alumni Award.

They were among 21 individual alumni and three alumni teams, comprising another 14 individuals, honoured at the awards ceremony held on 2 November.

Read more here: NUS Alumni Awards 2023


CDE Alumni Celebrated at 2023 Awards Gala Dinner

The Annual College of Design and Engineering Alumni Awards recognise the accomplishments and contributions of exemplary CDE alumni. This year, 19 individuals and two teams were recognised for outstanding achievements.

The NUS College of Design and Engineering Alumni Awards were instituted in 1989 with the titles and honours that the College confers to its alumni for their outstanding work and contributions to their alma mater, their organisation, and society. The awards include the Distinguished Alumni, Alumni Excellence, Outstanding Young Alumni, Alumni Rising Star, and the Team Excellence Awards.

The Distinguished Alumni Awardees for 2023 are:

Dr Teo Ho Pin, Bachelor of Science (Building) 1985
Adjunct Professor, NUS

Mr Brian Tan Kai Piang
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) 2000
Regional President (South East Asia), Vice President (Applied Global Services), Applied Materials

Mr Mok Wei Wei
Bachelor of Architecture (Hons) 1982
Managing Director, W Architects Pte Ltd

Read more about the Awardees and the Gala Dinner here: 2023 CDE Alumni Awards

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