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Discover the brilliance and innovation of our students at the Project Showcase which will be held at CDE Donor Appreciation Dinner 2024. From innovative robotics to sustainable engineering and groundbreaking design concepts, explore how our students and faculties are shaping the future with their cutting-edge ideas and solutions across various disciplines. Our showcase unveils the diverse range of projects that epitomize creativity, ingenuity and dedication which is made possible with the invaluable support from our donors.

Engineering Design and Innovation Centre (EDIC)

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NUS RoboMaster

In the midst of invention and creativity, NUS RoboMaster is shaping a world where robots take the lead. They've built seven impressive robots, from drones to self-governing guards, showcasing their creativity and expertise. Their 2nd place win in the 2023 RoboMaster University League proves that the team is at the forefront of robotics, mixing human ideas with advanced technology to explore new horizons. Join us in the showcase and witness firsthand the incredible abilities of our robots, Standard and Hero!

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Formula SAE

Formula SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) is a competition organised by SAE International that challenges students to conceive, design, fabricate, and compete with small formula-style racing cars. Teams spend 8-12 months designing, building, and preparing their vehicles for a competition. These cars are judged in a series of static and dynamic events, including technical inspection, cost, presentation, engineering design, solo performance trials and high-performance endurance.



Team Bumblebee is a group of innovators who envision building autonomous systems of the future. We build and designs autonomous vehicles capable of navigating underwater and on the water surface to perform tasks akin to real life situations in the marine sector. The team comprises Mechanical, Computer, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Business students from the College of Design and Engineering (CDE), School of Computing (SoC) and the NUS Business School due to the multidisciplinary nature of the project.

Division of Industrial Design (DID)



Auxobrace is a rehabilitation device for patients who have undergone open heart surgery. Post surgery rehab requires patients to apply pressure onto the sternum bone during upper body movements and many other activities to avoid the unhealed sternum bone to slide or move. Improper or inadequate support can lead to extreme pain and harm to the wound. Many current braces and remedies still lack proper support and usability, hence the creation of Auxobrace.


Operation Paws

Operation Paws is a holistic medical play programme where child life therapists provide emotional assistive relief to worried paediatric patients and parents before a surgical procedure. By preparing them pre-operation, they are less anxious when they know what to expect during the actual operation.

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SalaryKi, is a website that makes important salary information accessible to migrant workers. It can be deployed during volunteer-worker consultations as a common touchpoint to aid in going through complex salary topics and wage entitlements. It also serves as a pre-education tool for workers not currently facing salary issues to beef up their general salary knowledge and pre-empt problems they may face in the future.

Biomedical Engineering for Good (bGood)


Grip Buddy

Grip Buddy is an innovative tool designed to aid individuals who need extra assistance in opening jars. It is especially beneficial for stroke patients with hemiplegia, amputees, or those suffering from arthritis, enhancing their independence.


Makan Together

Makan Together is an innovative adaptive tableware set designed for the visually impaired. It enhances the dining experience by facilitating easier identification and location of individual dishes, empowering visually impaired individuals to dine with greater independence and confidence.



MOUNTable is an adaptive paddle switch designed for individuals with diverse abilities, offering the flexibility to be activated with any body part that is most convenient for the user. Its design prioritises portability and ease of attachment, allowing it to be positioned in a variety of locations. It also features a large contact surface, making it user-friendly and accessible for individuals with varying needs.



Rehabot is a gait rehabilitation robot, specifically designed to aid patients with Parkinson's Disease. It provides a comprehensive gait rehab experience by administering a combination of visual, verbal, and rhythmic cues. These multifaceted stimuli are tailored to enhance the rehabilitation process, assisting patients in improving their gait and mobility.


Happy Feet

Happy Feet is an engaging dance game tailored specifically for seniors, designed to keep them both mentally and physically active. Happy Feet features arrows that fall at a slower pace, allowing seniors to dance comfortably to a selection of familiar, local tunes. Furthermore, Happy Feet offers three different difficulty levels, giving seniors the option to choose based on their comfort and ability.


Joy Twist

Joy Twist gamifies wrist rehabilitation through integrating games such as Tetris to transform the rehab process into an interactive and enjoyable activity. Joy Twist also features a multiplayer mode, enhancing engagement and encouraging social interaction, thus adding an element of fun and community, making the recovery journey more appealing.



GlideEase is a versatile assistive writing tool, perfectly suited for a variety of tasks, including educational activities and everyday use. It's specially designed to enable one-handed writing for individuals with bilateral auto-amputation, thus making writing more accessible and empowering users to meet their daily writing needs with greater ease.



EdFlexi is a tailored learning setup designed for individuals with hypotonia and visual impairment. It offers the flexibility to be adjusted at customised distances, angles, and elevations, catering to the unique needs and preferences of each individual.

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

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Antibiotic-Free Recirculating Aquaculture System

At the Center for Water Research, CEE/NUS, Professor Hu Jiangyong and her research team focus on novel water treatment and reuse process development for emerging contaminant removal and control in water. One of their approaches is to control the spread of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Singapore’s water environment. Find out more during our Project Showcase!

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Coastal Protection and Flood Resilience Institute (CFI) Singapore

PUB launched the $125 million Coastal Protection and Flood Management Research Programme (CFRP), dedicated to advancing Singapore's resilience to coastal challenges. The initiative includes a multi-institutional Centre of Excellence hosted at NUS with other partners. This collaboration aims to nurture local talent, anchor in-house research, and enrich education in coastal engineering and flood management.

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Resource Circularity and Decarbonization of Built Environment

The highlights from the NUS Centre for Resource Circularity and Resilience (CR2) on how our resources can be circulated to create a more sustainable and low-carbon footprint-built environment.

Department of Architecture


Centre for Age Well and Environment

The Centre for Age Well and Environment stands as a dedicated hub committed to advancing the knowledge and practices essential for enhancing living environments that foster the physical, psychological, and social well-being of individuals across all age groups amid the complexities of demographic shifts and climate change. The centre aims to coordinate and consolidate place-based, aging-related research, education, and resources within the NUS community and hopes to orchestrate capacity-building initiatives and foster collaboration among diverse stakeholders with a shared interest in meaningful enhancements to the living environments for all.

Explore more with Associate Professor Emi Kiyota at the Project Showcase!