Student-Initiated Double Degree Programmes


Aside from structured double degree programmes such as Engineering and Business Administration (all cohorts), Engineering and Economics (all cohorts), and other double degree programmes between the College of Design and Engineering and College of Humanities and Sciences (cohort AY2021/2022 onwards), students may pursue their own double degree combinations, e.g. a double degree programme in Engineering and Computer Science.


Students who are interested to pursue their own double degree combinations must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a minimum GPA of 4.25.
  • Completed between 60 units/MCs and 80 units/MCs (excluding units/MCs earned from student exchange programmes or advanced placement credits).
  • Completed a minimum of 20 units/MCs of courses/modules for the second degree at the point of application, with minimum grade of B+ for the courses/modules.
  • Able to complete both degree programmes within the normal candidature period, i.e. 9 semesters for a single honours programme or 10 semesters for a double honours programme.

Students who satisfy the criteria above must seek written approval from the relevant College/Faculties/Schools by Week 3 of their fourth or fifth semester and submit their study plan for consideration. Each application will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Students who are thinking about pursuing self-initiated double degree programmes are highly encouraged to seek proper advice from their academic counsellors in planning their courses/modules as early as possible for their candidature. Do note that College/Faculties/Schools have identified certain prohibited combinations for student-initiated double degrees. Hence, when putting together their own double degree combinations, students should always verify permissible combinations with their home College/Faculties/Schools before embarking on one.

Double-counting arrangements

In their study plan, students are required to propose courses/modules that may be double-counted for both degree programmes. The following guidelines must be met for double-counting:

  • At least two-thirds of each major must be fulfilled by distinct courses/modules (i.e. those that are counted towards one degree programme only).
  • At least 60% of units/MCs for each major must be letter-graded and factored in the GPA of each degree programme.

The following Faculty requirements could be double-counted for relevant programmes:

  • ES1531/ES2531 Critical Thinking and Writing with FAS1101 Writing Academically: Arts and Social Sciences
  • CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals with FAS1102 Public Writing and Communication

Details about the double degree framework and double-counting arrangements may be found on the Registrar’s Office website.

Candidature period and tuition fees

The normal candidature period for the single honours and double honours programmes is 9 and 10 consecutive semesters, respectively. Students in a double degree programme are required to pay only the prevailing tuition fee of their home course.

Students who take longer than the normal candidature period to complete the double degree requirements will have to pay partial non-subsidised fees, culminating in full non-subsidised fees, during the extended semesters. (click here for more information)

Completion and exit

Students from Cohorts AY2018/2019 to AY2020/2021 are required to leave a double degree programme if any of the following occurs:

  • GPA below 3.75 for the first degree programme for two consecutive semesters
  • GPA below 3.25 for the second degree programme for two consecutive semesters
  • Combination of both for two consecutive semesters

Students from Cohorts AY2021/2022 are required to leave a double degree programme if their GPA for one or both degree programmes is below 3.50 for two consecutive semesters.

Students can also choose to leave a double degree programme on their own accord by submitting their request to their home Faculty between the release of examination results of the immediate past semester and by the first week of the following semester. Students should consider their decision carefully as it is irrevocable. Those who have withdrawn from a double degree programme will not be readmitted into the double degree programme regardless of their GPA.

Upon exit from this DDP, students will return to their home Faculty for their single degree programme. Students whose home Faculty is CDE must complete the compulsory internship requirement in their single degree programme. The separate GPAs for the two degrees will be combined into a single GPA, using all modules from both degree programmes.

Contact us

You may contact Ms Lesley Poong at or 6516 1339 if you have questions about student-initiated double degree programmes.