NUS College of Design and Engineering Alumni Mentorship Mid-Programme Meet [Batch 10]

The evening commences with an air of anticipation as guests arrive at the venue, greeted by the warm ambiance and the promise of meaningful connections.

Assistant Dean of CDE Alumni Relations, Associate Professor Teo Chiang Juay, sets the tone with a welcoming address, emphasizing the importance of connections and shared experiences in the mentorship community. Expressing gratitude to mentors and mentees for their commitment to the mentorship programme, he acknowledges the invaluable contributions each individual brings to the community.

The evening continues with an engaging introductory session, where mentees and mentors bond through sharing insights and participating in the icebreaker activity, "Two Truths and One Lie." Attendees fostered lively conversations and meaningful connections as mentors and mentees network within their groups.

As the event draws to a close, attendees reflect on the enriching experiences shared throughout the evening.

The echoes of laughter and shared experiences linger, a testament to the transformative power of mentorship and community. The event has not only strengthened existing connections but has also laid the foundation for new ones, fostering a vibrant and supportive mentorship community for years to come.

Click on Alumni Mentorship Programme to learn more.