Reminiscing the Fond Times at NUS


The best way to reminisce the fond times you spent with your significant other is to return to those very places. For NUS alumni Mr Joshua Chan (Engineering, ‘19) and Ms Esther Poh (Science, ‘16), the NUS campus is one of them and the couple came back recently to have their pre-wedding shoot.

While their first encounter was not in NUS, the campus still holds many fond memories for them both, as they think back of the time spent studying together in the Central and Science libraries, Block EA, and the open spaces in the Engineering and Science faculties. Being the sporty type, they would also occasionally play badminton at the MPSH in the morning before having lunch and going for their respective classes. Their favourite hangouts in NUS also include the previous McDonald’s outlet at Engineering, where they would celebrate the end of exams with their friends, and UTown, with its convenient location and delicious food.


They shared, “To us, NUS will always be a place that we will look back fondly on. We’re proud to call NUS a special place in our hearts, a place of learning and education, and a place like home.”

NUS Engineering would like to congratulate Mr Chan and Ms Poh on their wedding, which will take place on 26 Dec, and wish them a joyous life together!