Associate Professor

Department of Architecture, School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore, 4 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117566.

(65) 84285890

Prof Yuan is an associate professor with tenure at the Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore (NUS). He was the recipient of the Presidential Young Professorship when he was an assistant professor and is also the founder and Principal Investigator of Urban Climate Design Lab in NUS. Being an architect, urban climate researcher, and educator, Prof Yuan’s teaching and research focus on climate-sensitive urban planning and design for sustainable, resilient cities. The topics cover urban wind environment, traffic-related and transboundary air pollution, anthropogenic heat, passive cooling technologies, and urban greenery. His goal is to support and develop practical planning and design in real life to build sustainability and resilience.

Prof. Yuan currently leads his research team – in collaboration with MIT and ETH Zurich – to conduct several studies on urban climate and future resilience for high density cities. Prof Yuan serves as Director of Research in NUS Cities, Associate Editor for Urban Climate (Elsevier), and Editorial Board Member at Landscape and Urban Planning (Elsevier). His work has been published in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals, book chapter, as well as a self-authored book, titled Urban Wind Environment – Integrated Climate-Sensitive Planning and Design, by Springer Nature.


2023 – 2026 (Ongoing)

Pl, Memorandum of Understanding Between Centre of Science and Technology and Industrialization Development, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of The People’s Republic of China and National University of Singapore.

2023-2025 (Ongoing)

Pl, Sensing and Shaping Air Flow to Mitigate Heat for Assuring Climate Resilience in High Density Coastal Cities, Urban Redevelopment Authority (SGD 1,338,220).

2022-2023 (Ongoing)

Pl, Urban Planning and Building Design System Based on Urban Climate Analytics, Reimagine research grant, Phases 1 and 2, NUS, MOE (SGD 660,000).

2021-2024 (Ongoing)

Pl, Optimization Algorithm for Rapid Sustainable Planning and Design, Housing Development Board,Singapore (SGD 349,200).

2019-2024 (Ongoing)

Pl, Building Climate Resilience at High Density Cities Using Multi Physical Modelling and Field Measurement, Presidential Young Professorship, NUS (SGD 1,000,000).

2020-2025 (Ongoing)

PI/Module Leader, lmpact of Climate Change and Urbanization on High-Density Urban System Resilience, Module 2.3, Cluster 2, Future Resilience System ll, Nationa Research Foundation (SGD 1475,000).