Kenya ENDO


Department of Architecture, College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore 4 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117566


Kenya Endo is a landscape architect and educator at National University of Singapore, Department of Architecture. He is interested in designs interrelated with landscape infrastructure and urban hydrology. During his 6 years of practice in Singapore, Kenya has worked on several inter-disciplinary projects in South-East Asia, with the focus on creating livable spaces that integrates infrastructural, ecological and social values.

He obtained his Master’s in Environmental Studies from the University of Tokyo, Japan, and Master’s in Landscape Architecture from Harvard University, US. His design works have been recognized in a number of international awards, including OnePrize Stormproof 2013, Holcim Award for Sustainable Development 2014. He is an accredited landscape architect in Singapore, and one of the council members of Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects.