Why CDE?

Building on our long-standing record on research and education excellence, CDE offers a suite of open-enrollment and customised programmes, ranging from Satellite Technology to the Built Environment.




DSO participant

Introduction to Additive Manufacturing

“The course gave an insight into the material considerations for additive manufacturing (e.g.​ 3D printing) and discussed the key challenges. Particularly useful are the sharing on current industrial practices as well as steps to address application challenges. The course is very relevant to our work and this is due to the flexibility of customizing the course with NUS.”

DSO participant

Introduction to Satellite Technology​

“The course provided a good overview in satellite engineering and discussed the key issues involved in mission design as well as design of the various sub-systems. The course is practical and introduced popular software tools used for satellite system development. Overall, this course provide a good appreciation in satellite engineering.”

Sarah (2020)

Professional Certificate in Infrastructure and Construction Project Management

“As part of the overall programme for Infrastructure and Construction Project Management, this course is especially relevant in providing a comprehensive understanding of the different types of construction projects and the involved parties. Prof Lim Pin provided a very detailed set of notes with real-life case studies to illustrate his points in Construction Law. The sharing of Security of Payment Act flowchart is particularly useful in depicting the various scenarios for payment throughout the construction timeline.”

Ju Lin (2020)

Professional Certificate in Infrastructure and Construction Project Management

"The 7-day course provided quality insights on construction and project management which details several key aspects such as international projects, infrastructure finance, construction law and etc. The course has helped us in understanding the current industrial practices and the typical challenges that a project management professional will face. Overall, the course not only serves as a refresher for what we have studied in NUS, but it also provides a more in-depth studies which could further assist us in our future career path in the work industry."

Contact Us

Office of Continuing Education and Training


National University of Singapore

College of Design and Engineering

Blk EA #06-16

9 Engineering Drive 1

Singapore 117575



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