Professional Certificate in Logistics & Warehouse Management

Certificate Title

Professional Certificate in Logistics & Warehouse Management

Course Objectives

Participants will learn about the basic concepts of supply chain management and inventory management in the supply chains. The courses will enhance students' knowledge about the design of the distribution network and enable them to measure the performance of a supply chain more confidently. Under this programme, students will gain valuable real-feel hands-on experience in designing a supply chain network. The programme also covers warehouse automation systems, including WMS, Storage systems, AGVs, Robots, etc. Students will also learn measures like Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), safety stocks, reorder point and be trained to use MS Excel to calculate these measures and implement good inventory control and management system.

On completion of the certificate, the students would have considerable knowledge about the workings of a supply chain network, how to design such a network and the know-how to measure its performance. They would also be trained and skilled to improve and optimise warehouse operations from the programme.


  1. Supply Chain Management: Concepts, Distribution Network Design and Performance Measurement
  2. Inventory Management and Control in Supply Chains, Warehouse Automation and Operations Strategy Development

Who Should Attend

Warehouse Operations Managers, Warehouse Supervisors, Inventory Control Officers, Asst Warehouse Managers, Logistics and Supply Chain Officers


To apply, please go to the Online Application Portal ( > Short Course

Award of Certificate

Participants will be awarded with a Certificate of Participation or Certificate of Completion for each short course, depending on their performance in the overall end-course assessment.

Participants will be awarded a Professional Certificate when they have completed all required short courses with a Certificate of Completion within 12 months.

Point-of-Contact for More Information