Course Mapping

How to submit mapping

  1. All mapping requests need to be submitted via NUS EduRec to ensure that your proposed mappings can be forwarded to the respective host department and to prevent delays in reviewing your requests.
  2. Ensure all information is accurate & filled up, incomplete info may delay the review process.
  3. You should provide the partner university course information as received from the source.
  4. Do your part of due diligence in reading the course description/syllabus and checking the similarities before submitting any mapping. Randomly submitting mappings will not lead to desired outcomes. 
  5. DO NOT submit multiple mappings pertaining to the same course as the mapping worksheet only allows a total of 20 mapping requests.
  6. Email Partner University if you are unable to find the detail course information online.
  7. If you wish to map a course to a specific NUS course, please ensure that both courses are similar in content/contact hours before submitting.
    For example, trying to map Japanese 1 to French 1 is not going to work. The main reasons for unsuccessful mapping are:

    • Dissimilar content: at least 50% similarity in content is required between mapping courses – a similar title does not equal sufficient content overlap;
    • Restrictions by partner universities: some engineering courses at partner universities are NOT available to exchange students because of over-subscription by their own students. This also occurs for courses in popular programmes such as computing and business. A partner university has the prerogative to impose such restrictions at any time, without prior notice to NUS, such that a course that was previously available can become unavailable – NUS is unable to help you to appeal to partner universities for special consideration;
    • Not an exchange partner in your programme: e.g. if NUS Mechanical Engineering has an agreement with the Mechanical Engineering programme of a partner university, but not with their Aeronautical Engineering programme, you would NOT be able to read courses from the Aeronautical Engineering programme at that university. You should always check the details provided by the partner university and never make assumptions.
  8. Please provide an English translation where applicable. Descriptions in other languages will not be approved.

Your home department may have more details on mapping, please refer to their latest instructions.  Additional information:

Students admitted from AY2021/2022 onwards should complete their common curriculum at NUS as the courses are generally not eligible for mapping.

For the pillars which are eligible for mapping, students should submit their mapping request to a specific NUS course and not use dummy codes.

Mapping requests will still be subject to review and approval by the host department.

Common Curriculum Pillar Course Code Course Title Applicable to Eligible for mapping
Design Thinking DTK1234 / DTK1234A Design Thinking All CDE students No
Maker Space EG1311 Design and Make All CDE students No
Project Management PF1101 Fundamentals of Project Management All CDE students No
Creating Narratives CDE2000 Creating Narratives All CDE students No
Systems Thinking IE2141 Systems Thinking and Dynamics All CDE students No
Artificial Intelligence EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning BEng No
CDE2212 AI for Design BA(ID), BA(Arch), BLA No
PF3211 AI Applications for the Built Environment BSc(PFM) No
Sustainable Futures EG2501 / CDE2501 Liveable Cities All CDE students No
Cultures & Connections Any course in the GEC pillar as published on the GE website
All CDE students Yes
Critique & Expression ES2631 Critique and Communication of Thinking and Design BEng, BSc(PFM) No
Any course in the GEX pillar as published on the GE website BA(ID), BA(Arch), BLA Yes
Data Literacy GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with Data BEng (except ISE) Yes
IE1111R Industrial & Systems Engrg Principles & Practice I BEng (ISE) No
Any course in the GEA pillar as published on the GE website BSc(PFM), BA(ID), BA(Arch), BLA Yes
Digital Literacy CS1010% Programming Methodology BEng No
AR2524 Spatial Computational Thinking BA(Arch), BLA No
ID2116 Computing for Design BA(ID) No 

GEI1001 /

COS1000 / 

CS1010S / 


Computational Reasoning /

Computational Thinking for Scientists /

Programming Methodology / 

Programming Methodology


GEI1001 for Cohorts AY22-23 to AY23-24 only

Singapore Studies Any course in the GESS pillar as published on the GE website (except EG2501 / CDE5201) All CDE students Yes
Communities and Engagement Any course in the GEN pillar as published on the GE website All CDE students Yes

For non-CDE students wishing to map courses from the common curriculum, please refer to the below table:

Module Code Module Title Eligible for mapping
DTK1234 Design Thinking No
EG1311 Design and Make No
PF1101 Fundamentals of Project Management No
IE2141 Systems Thinking and Dynamics No
EG2501 / CDE2501 Liveable Cities No
IE1111R Industrial & Systems Engrg Principles & Practice I No
Any GE-coded course offered by CDE Yes

Starting from AY2018/19, credits transfer to ES2631/ES1531/ES2531/GEK1549/GET1021 Critical Thinking and Writing from courses read at our Partner Universities will NO longer be supported for exchange programmes.

Any mapping requests for ES2631/ES1531/ES2531/GEK1549/GET1021 will be declined.

For cohorts admitted before AY2021/22: link

To highlight: "Courses read from overseas/partner universities while students are on Student Exchange Programmes/Summer Programmes/Winter Programmes/Study Abroad Programmes cannot be used to fulfil the General Education requirement."

For cohorts admitted from AY2021/22 onwards:  link 

To highlight: "Students from College of Humanities and Sciences and College of Design and Engineering will satisfy GE requirements with course within their common curriculum."  Please refer to the section on common curriculum.

Only EG2401A is eligible for mapping, please provide complete information in the mapping worksheet to facilitate the review process.  

Other courses under Engineering Core cannot be mapped.

Engineering Core Course Code Course Title Eligible for mapping
Modelling & Simulation MA1505 Mathematics I No
MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering No
MA1511 Engineering Calculus No
MA1512 Differential Equations for Engineering No
MA1513 Linear Algebra with Differential Equations No
CE2407A Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers No
CE2407B Introduction to Numerical Methods for Engineers No
Engineering Professionalism EG2401A Engineering Professionalism Yes
EG2101 Pathways to Engineering Leadership (applicable to E-scholars) No

To map a course as a UEM,

  • Map to a relevant NUS course code.
    For example, the PU course you wish to read is a Science-related course, please research for possible close matches and use FoS course code, and FoS will review your request.
  • A dummy code may be used if there are no similar NUS courses, please check with your home department for possible dummy codes.

Your home department may have more details on mapping, please refer to their latest instructions.  

Note that mapping for the following courses will not be approved:

EC1101E/ EC1301









General Education courses: EC2204, EC2205 and EC3305

All EC level-4000 and higher courses

  • Students should clear EC1301, EC2101, EC2102 and preferably EC2303 with a grade of “C” or higher before going on SEP as these are usually the prerequisites for level 3000 courses. (This is a requirement by the Economics department)
  • Note that the Economics department will not accept any requests to map courses after a student has returned from their SEP.
  • Students can also choose dummy codes if they are unsure. Dummy codes are identified by the 7 in the second digit. For example, EC2741 is categorized as EC coded dummy course at L2000 (2), Dummy code (7), 4 MC course (4), first code in its sequence (1)

Must map to a specific BIZ course as BIZ does not issue dummy codes, please refer to BIZ approval timeline

For mapping of Faculty of Law courses, please input the answers to the questions below under “other information” when you submit your request in EduRec.

  1. How many credits is this course rated at the host University and what are the equivalent NUS credits?
  2. How many host university credits does your home department require you to do in a semester at the host university?
  3. Please provide more details on course description, syllabus, assessment, URL etc, if not already provided.

All language-related courses have to be mapped to a specific code under Center for Language Studies (CLS).  

Please note that the review will take about three weeks upon receipt of all required information, and there is a block out period for review during CourseReg.

Language-related courses mapped under EX codes will be rejected.  If the language is not offered by CLS, please use LAX1741 for their review.

After Submission

  • Do not submit a request at the last minute and expect a quick response; there may be several layers of approval and the onus is on you to submit in a timely manner. Decisions made are final. 
  • Only if you do not hear from the host department after 2 months, please email to CDE Student Exchange with the message – “No results on mapping_Name_Student Number” together with a screenshot of your course mapping request.
  • No submission of mapping requests after your exchange.
  • Ensure that mapping is approved before you register for the overseas course(s) if credit transfer is imperative; otherwise, you run the risk of being unable to transfer credits back if the mapping is not approved.
  • You do not have to seek approval for courses that you wish to read for enrichment purposes only, i.e. you have no intention of transferring the credits back to NUS.
  • All courses taken overseas will be excluded from GPA computation should you wish to transfer the credits back to NUS. Please ensure that you do not violate the residency requirement and minimum MC requirements when you do so.