Heng Chye Kiang



Department of Architecture

Research Areas

Asian Urban Planning and Design
History of Chinese Architecture and Cities

Academic/Professional Qualification

– Ph.D. (1993) UC Berkeley, USA; • Postgraduate Certificate (1992) Tsinghua University, China; • CES
(Amenagement Urbain) (1984) ENTPE, France; • Diplôme d’Architecte D.E.S.A. (1983) Ecole Spéciale
d’Architecture, France.
Awards/Honours (post PhD)
– JSPS Fellowship 2007 (at Kyoto Institute of Research in Humanities)
– Japan Foundation Fellowship 1999 (spent 3 months at Kyoto University)
– National University of Singapore Outstanding Researcher Award 1997

Selected Design Consultancies and Awards

– Design consultant for Shenzhen Longgang International Urban Planning/Design Competition 2nd Prize 2008
– Design consultant for Tianjin Dongjiang Waterfront Development Area, Urban Design Competition 2nd Prize 2007
– Design consultant for Tianjin’s French Heritage District Urban Design Competition First Prize 2005
– Design consultant for Tianjin’s Xiaobailou district Int’l Urban Design Competition First Prize 2004
– Design consultant for Tianjin’s Nanjing Rd Int’l Urban Design Competition First Prize 2004
– Design consultant for Tongji Automobile University Hostel Design Competition First Prize 2002
– Design consultant for Suzhou Graduate Campus City Int’l Urban Planning/Design Competition First Prize 2002
– Design consultant for Zhengzhou East Int’l Urban Planning/Design Competition 2nd Prize 2001
– Design consultant for many overseas urban design/planning projects including China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial
Park, several township projects in China , Malaysia, Vietnam and the Maldives (1995 to 2008)

Administrative Leadership

– Dean, School of Design and Environment (Aug 2007 to date)
– Deputy Director, University Office of Research (Jan 2002 to July 2007)
– Head, Department of Architecture (July 2002 to July 2007)
– Vice Dean, School of Design and Environment (June 2000-April 2002)
– Programme Founding Director, Master of Arts (Urban Design) (set-up programme in 1997-98, Director 1998-2002)

Public and Professional Service

– Member of Architecture Advisory Committee, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2008 to date)
– Member of Advisory Board, Faculty of Architecture, Hong Kong University (2004 to 2006)
– Member, CREATE (Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Entreprise) Masterplanning and
Development Committee and Exco (2008 to date)
– URA Board Member (2002 to date)
– Centre for Liveable Cities Board Member (Singapore) (2008 to date)
– Chairman of URA’s Design Advisory Committee (2003-to date)
– Chairman of URA’s Architecture Heritage Award Committee (2006 to date)
– Chairman of STB’s Singapore River Design Advisory Panel (2001-02)
– Member, JTC Tech Park Review Committee (2004 to 2006)
– Member of jury panel of numerous international architecture, urban design and planning competitions.

Selected Publications (from more than 70 publications)

– Heng Chye Kiang, “Chinese Public Space: A Brief Account” in Douglass et al. ed., Globalization, the City and Civil
Society in Pacific Asia: The Social Production of Civic Spaces, Routledge, 2007.
– Huo Ning, Heng Chye Kiang, “The Making of State-Business Driven Public Space in Singapore” in Journal of Asian
Architecture and Building Engineering. Vol 6 (2007), No. 1 pp. 135-142
– Heng Chye Kiang, A Digital Reconstruction of Tang Chang’an. China Architecture and Building Press, 2006.
– Heng Chye Kiang, Cities of Aristocrats and Bureaucrats: The Development of Medieval Chinese Cityscapes.
Singapore University Press and University of Hawaii Press, 1999.
– Heng Chye Kiang, Version 2.1 of Interactive Multimedia Package on the Reconstruction of Tang Period Chang’an,
National University of Singapore, 2007, currently exhibited in Xi’an Museum.
– Heng Chye Kiang “Sui-Tang Chang’an, Nara, Nagaoka and Heian: Inventing a New Urban Paradigm in East Asia.”
In The Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management, Re-inventing Global Cities, Hong Kong: HKU,
Nov 11, 2000, pp. 68-84.
– Heng, CK, “Learning from Carvajal, an Insignificant Alley” in Urban Design International. (2001) 6, 191-200.