Cho Im Sik

Associate Professor

Department of Architecture

Research Areas

– Comparative studies of Asian urbanism in high-density contexts
– Design for urban social sustainability (design and planning for ageing, social
inclusion and cohesion, well-being, quality of life, community building)
– Urban space planning for sustainable high-density cities (design and planning
– Community-centric, process-oriented design methods (participatory planning,

Academic Qualifications

– PhD, Department of Architecture, Seoul National University, Korea
– Master in Architecture, The Berlage Institute, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
– Bachelor of Science, Department of Architecture, Seoul National University, Korea

Employment History / Appointments (selected)

– Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Architecture, NUS (current)
– Deputy Head, Department of Architecture, NUS
– Leader of ‘Urbanism Research Cluster’, Department of Architecture, NUS
– Associate of Asia Research Institute (ARI), Asian Urbanisms Cluster, NUS (current)
– Advisory Committee, Pacific Rim Community Design Network (current)
– Technical reviewer for ‘Land and Liveability National Innovation Challenge R&D
Proposals’ (appointed by National Research Foundation, Singapore: 2014-2017)
– International Peer Reviewer for ‘Global Research Laboratory Research Grant
Proposals’ (appointed by National Research Foundation, South Korea: 2015)
– Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, NUS (2010-2017)

Awards / Honours (selected)

– High Impact Research in NUS, reported to NUS President
– Invited as Visiting Academic to ETH Zürich, Switzerland, for research collaboration
(fully funded)
– HDB Quality Partners Award 2014 (based on the partnership between HDB and
NUS for the research “Study on Impact of the Built Environment on Community
Bonding”, Principal Investigator)
Research Projects (selected)
– PI, A Participatory Translational Study to Foster Positive Community Behaviour,
funded by Social Science and Humanities Research Co-Creation Grant (MOE),
Collaborators (MND, URA, HDB, NParks, NEA)
– PI, Study on the Application of Design Recommendations to foster Community
Bonding (Hello Neighbour! project), funded by HDB
– PI, Study on Impact of the Built Environment on Community Bonding, funded by
HDB (research outcome included in the Singapore Sustainability Blueprint 2015)
– PI, Urban Space Planning for Sustainable High Density Environment, funded by
MND (in collaboration with URA, HDB, NParks)
– PI, Art and Culture Focused Community Spaces and their role in promoting
community building, social interaction, and encouraging arts participation, funded
by NAC
– Co-PI, Typology Study for Public Housing Development in Dover, funded by URA
– Co-PI, Towards a Post-developmental City in East Asia: Comparing Everyday
Practices and Policies of Community Building in Seoul and Singapore, funded by
the Asia Center, Seoul National University, Korea

Publications (selected)

– Lead Editor and Author, Emerging Civic Urbanisms in Asia: Hong Kong, Seoul,
Singapore, and Taipei beyond Developmental Urbanisation to be published by
Amsterdam University Press
– Cho, I. S. & Ho, K. C. (2020). Participatory Design to Co-create Community Spaces.
In: C. H. Leong & L. C. Malone-Lee (Eds.), Building Resilient Neighbourhoods in
Singapore: The Convergence of Policies, Research and Practice. Singapore:
Springer, 81-99.
– Cho, I. S. & Križnik, B. (2020). Sharing Seoul: Appropriating alleys as communal
space through localized sharing practices. Built Environment, 46(1), 99-114.
– Gan, D. R. Y., Fung, J. C., & Cho, I. S. (2019). Neighborhood Experiences of
People over Age 50: Factor Structure and Validity of a Scale. The Gerontologist,
gnz111. Oxford University Press. doi:
– Križnik, B., Cho, I. S., & Kim, S. (2019). Deciding Together: Citizen Participation in
Planning the Neighbourhood Improvement in Seoul and Singapore. Asia Review,
8(2), 65-102. doi:
– Cho, I. S., Nasution, I., Lee, J. H., & Mascarenhas, N. (2017). Mechanisms to
facilitate community participation in Singapore’s neighborhood planning framework.
Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 34(4), 320-335.
– Cho, I. S. (2017). Changing approaches to community participation for social
sustainability: Neighbourhood planning in Singapore and Seoul. In: F. Caprotti &
L. Yu (Eds.), Sustainable Cities in Asia. London: Routledge, 226-235.
– Cho, I. S., Trivic, Z., & Nasution, I. (2017). New high-density intensified housing
developments in Asia: Qualities, potential and challenges. Journal of Urban Design,
22(5), 613-636. doi:10.1080/13574809.2017.1311770
– Cho, I. S., & Križnik, B. (2017). Community-based Urban Development: Evolving
Urban Paradigms in Singapore and Seoul. Singapore: Springer.
– Cho, I. S., Heng, C. K., & Trivic. Z. (2016). Re-framing Urban Space: Urban Design
for Emerging Hybrid and High-Density Conditions. New York, NY; Abingdon, Oxon:
– Cho, I. S. (2016). HDB-NUS Study on the Social Aspects of the Built Environment.
Innovation Magazine – The Magazine of Research & Technology, 15(1), 47-54.