Prof WONG Nyuk Hien is the Principal Investigator of Climatic Mapping of
Business Park for Environmental Quality Assessment, a joint research between NUS and
JTC. The main aim of this joint research is to develop climatic maps for the Business
Park to obtain correlation between building – pavement – greenery, ambient
temperature and CO2 emission, which ultimately can be utilized to examine the
effectiveness of the various urban environmental solutions such as greenery, cool roof
and facades etc to improve the environmental conditions, comfort and consequently the
energy efficiency of the buildings.
Prof. Wong was the principal investigator of a number of research projects in
collaboration with the various government agencies. His joint research study with
National Parks Board (NParks) on the study of rooftop gardens in Singapore has
generated tremendous interest from the public and the industry on rooftop greening.
Based on the findings of the study, NParks and HDB have embarked on the trial test of
the extensive rooftop garden systems in Punggol. He also conducted another research
study on the Urban Heat Island effect in Singapore funded by Building and Construction
Authority. His study has identified the severity of the Urban Heat Island effect in
Singapore and has recommended a number of mitigation measures to ameliorate the
impacts. He also worked with NEA, HDB and JTC on the various other research projects
with include Thermal performance of façade materials and design and the impacts on
indoor and outdoor environment, Ventilation of HDB Hawker Centres and Its Impact on
Thermal Comfort as well as The impact of vegetation on Environmental Conditions and
Energy Efficiency of Industrial Facilities. The current ongoing project is Climatic Mapping
of Business Park for Environmental Quality Assessment
Prof. Wong has published more than 150 international referred journal and conference
papers and was the co authors of 3 books on rooftop and urban greenery and has been
invited to deliver keynote papers and research findings in various conferences and
symposiums. He has also been invited to serve in the various advisory committees both
locally and internationally.