Dear students and colleagues

It was great to start the new semester with two events involving our CDE alums.

Alums Mr Tan Szue Hann, Head of Sustainability, Keppel Land (Architecture alum) and Mr Tan Chee Yong, Associate Director of Sustainability, Incendium Consulting (Environmental Engineering alum), joined Ms Heng Li Lang, Senior Director of Temasek Foundation, as panellists for the forum “How can we build a sustainable future?” held on 11th January. They swapped stories of how their experiences as students inspired them to embark on careers in sustainability. Even as they acknowledged the challenges they faced bringing together professionals from diverse fields towards a common goal, their passion for their chosen work was evident. Seeing alums making their mark inspired many in the audience. Davis Roy, a 4th year ME student, Co-Founder of Student Energy NUS, shared that he had “learned about the vast opportunities students have to change the world”.

On CDE Day, held on the second Wednesday of the semester (18th January), alums joined guests for the sustainability-themed carnival organised by the Student Life Office and the CDE student clubs. They also toured the award-winning SDE4 building and enthusiastically snapped photos of the exhibits of ‘CDE’s Awesome Projects’. It was heartening to see them, a few with their families, queuing for popcorn, trying their hand at the game stalls, and questioning students about their exhibits.

It is through such interactions that we strengthen our ties as a community. I hope that we all continue to reach out and make connections that matter.

Dean, College of Design and Engineering


Alumni news

President’s Dialogue Lunch with Alumni was held on 9 December 2022 at the Shaw Foundation Alumni House. Fourteen of CDE alumni were invited to the lunch, together with NUS President Professor Tan Eng Chye, CDE Deputy Dean Professor Heng Chye Kiang, CDE Vice Dean (Alumni Relations) Associate Professor Kua Harn Wei and Director of NUS OAR Mr Bernard Toh.

Besides a wonderful lunch, there were opportunities to update alumni on the latest developments and future plans for NUS.

Alumni news

Two thesis projects namely, “Rollerball Itch Relief” designed by Koh Bei Ning (2022 Graduate, Thesis supervisor: Donn Koh) and “SENS | Creating Assurance in Digital Payment for Visually Impaired” designed by Tan Ying (2021 Graduate, Thesis supervisor: Song Kee Hong), were selected for the ‘Prototypes for Humanity’ exhibition in Dubai from 14 and 17 November 2022. The event is an initiative, organised by Art Dubai Group, to empower, promote and help develop projects that offer solutions to challenges affecting communities, individuals. At the exhibition, 100 projects from graduate students were selected globally that addresses solutions for social impact.

Koh Bei Ning, the designer of “Roller Ball Itch Relief”, was also featured on CNA Lifestyle on 2 December 2022. In the article, Bei Ning shared about her experience with eczema and her journey to develop the product to help eczema sufferers cope with the itch. The project is now being incubated at Design Incubation Centre.

Building future

Congratulations to Raymond Moh (Chemical Engineering and Business Double Degree, Class of 2013) on winning the ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award from the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisations.

Raymond is the CEO and Co-founder of Hanalytics Pte Ltd, also known as BioMind, a multi-award-winning Artificial Intelligence company providing deep learning solutions to improve medical image diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.
In 2021, Raymond was presented with the Outstanding Engineering Young Alumni Award at the annual NUS Engineering Alumni Awards.

Building future
Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion with audience

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering welcomed more than 200 alumni (class of 2017 to 2022) for home coming event at Shaw Foundation Alumni House on 25 Nov 2022. Our alumni Mr Dalson Chung, IES President, Senior Specialist, NEA and Mr Matthias Ong, CDP were our invited speakers for the event. A panel discussion with our senior alumni and Department moderated by Dr Chew Soon Hoe were held to discuss on topics such as: Career Prospects, Continuous Education, Industry Demands, Registration as a Professional Engineer (PE) etc.The invited panel members were: Mr Dalson Chung, IES President, Senior Specialist, NEA; ER Cong Zhengxia, Sr Director of Engineering (Building), Woh Hup PL; ER Jee Yi Yng, Country Representative, Singapore, AECOM; Professor Richard Liew, Head, CEE and Associate Professor Pang Sze Dai, Dy Head (Academic).