CDE Day 2024 - Wolfram Rules!


On 24 January 2024, the Office of Student Life (OSL) hosted the 3rd CDE Day at Block E4 Level 4 on our campus, in collaboration with the CDE Club and student clubs. The purpose of CDE Day is to celebrate the diversity and vibrancy of the College and to welcome students back for the second semester of the academic year. The event also provides an opportunity for student clubs across CDE to come together and put up a booth or contribute an activity, creating opportunities for students across programmes and cohorts to work together.

More than 1,000 CDE staff and students participated in various fun activities, including carnival games and craft booths run by student groups. They also enjoyed traditional snacks, tried their luck at a lucky draw, and gamely queued for the day's giveaways. Wolfram plushies, designed and produced by OSL, were the must-have item of the day.

The crowd was entertained by live performances from two bands, Splahs and Sidharth, made up of promising CDE student talents. STUDYO, started by two CDE students, coordinated the live music segment in the afternoon.

CDE Day has a purpose beyond just having fun. It reminds students that they are part of a larger community of CDE students, faculty, and staff. The activities also emphasise the importance of making time to have fun and the benefits of creating new connections.

We would like to thank the student wellness and peer student support ambassadors, as well as NUS Health and Wellbeing, for spreading greater awareness and providing information on the support network available on campus to those who attended.

discover yourself (square)

Discover yourself!

It's already February! The year is galloping past. Take a deep breath and remember there is more to life on campus than studies. Join in for the CDE Discover Yourself workshops – Career Values on 2 February and Motivated Skills on 16 February.

We are also bringing back our PSSG-on-duty @ Pitstop from 5 February onwards. During the duty hours between weeks 4-6 and 8-12, our Pitstop@CDE will be available without the need for booking. Look out for OSL's email introducing the opening hours and the peer student supporters on duty!

DoA student wins 2023 Best Paper Prize from the Editorial Board of the Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography

We are delighted to share that Zhijian Sun, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Architecture (DOA), has been honoured with the 2023 Best Paper Prize from the Editorial Board of the Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography (SJTG) for his work titled "Framing China's tropics: Thermal techno-politics of socialist tropical architecture in Africa (1960s−1980s)".

Zhijian's doctoral research focuses on the architectural history of “China’s two tropics” (1950s-80s) in the global context, namely the transnational socio-techno-political entanglements between the subtropical architecture in Southern China and China’s foreign-aid tropical architecture in the decolonising Global South.

Zhijian obtained his Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design at Columbia University in the City of New York and a Bachelor of Architecture degree at Southeast University in China.

Learn more about his work at Zhijian Sun

The team in Timor-Leste with Asst Prof Andrew Holle (back row, left).

Empowering healthcare in Timor-Leste

In a transformative and eye-opening visit to Timor-Leste, 14 students from the Department of Biomedical Engineering showcased the power of education, compassion and hands-on experience in contributing to the improvement of healthcare in the country.

Under the banner of "bGlobal”, an initiative by the Department of Biomedical Engineering, the students worked together with Timorese healthcare workers to troubleshoot medical devices during their 10-day stay, while also helping to identify and address critical healthcare challenges.

Read more about their experiences here:

CDE student scores at the China International College Students’ Innovation Competition 2023

Maxim Park Dickieson's exceptional performance in the China International College Students’ Innovation Competition 2023 (CICSIC 2023) led his team, including members Keshia Saradima Indriadi (ChBE), Nguyen Thai Thien Phuc (ChBE) and Qinzhen Li (NUS Finance), to win the Second Runner-up Award from the international pool of competitors gathered in Tianjin for the event. The award recognises the team’s significant contribution to the project titled "Waste-to-Value: Green and Efficient Method to Convert Shell Waste into High-value Chitin Product."

This achievement is particularly noteworthy given a total of 4.21 million competing entries and the competition's rigorous nature, involving multiple rounds of interviews, an oral presentation before top experts and high-ranking government officials, and media coverage. Mr Dickieson and his team's success highlights their excellent work and underscores our academic community's collaborative strength.

A third-year PhD student under the supervision of Professor Yan Ning, Maxim collaborated with Professor Chen Xi (an NUS PhD graduate) from Shanghai Jiao Tong University as part of his research.

Press release from China Ministry of Education 

Maxim ChBE