Upcoming events

The NUS MArch Graduation Show (14 – 27 July 2023) is an annual celebration of students’ efforts and collaboration with their thesis advisors and the faculty, where current and prospective architecture students, graduates, aspiring architects and members of the public will be invited to join us and explore a rich variety of issues involving both speculative intelligence and practical execution through research-based design.

Titled Sensibilities - this year’s M.Arch Grad Show will be showcasing a range of works that celebrate the distinct individualities that have manifested in a diverse range of projects occupying a miscellany of scales and locations, focusing on the unique perspectives, idiosyncrasies, and resonances within the graduating cohort.

Follow: for updates on the Show.

Past events

CDE Summer school

CDE Summer School 2023: Igniting Passion for Design and Engineering!

In CDE, we are passionate about making a difference. We are also passionate about helping young talents channel their energies to explore ways they too can make a difference!

The CDE Summer School was established as our platform to do just that. The School took place from 6 – 8 June 2023 and brought together over 100 pre-university students from 23 different institutions. Their learning experiences included:

  1. 5G Digital Technology Workshop - Exploring the systems and robotics used in the maintenance of buildings for increased efficiency and sustainability.
  2. Workshop in Visual Communication – Understanding fundamentals of Visual Communication and how Visual Branding is applied in companies. They had hands-on experience with Adobe Illustrator Tools to create their own logomarks and logotypes to personalise their projects.
  3. Net Zero SDE4 Learning Journey – Being guided through the award-winning SDE4 building by faculty from the NUS Department of the Built Environment to understand how net zero was achieved through application of design and engineering innovations.

Students were challenged to design and build a structure incorporating a portable fan powered by a solar panel to assist in the cooling process. Through this they were encouraged to explore the intersections of design and engineering, and deepen the knowledge gained through the workshops and learning journey. In a short three days they also experienced what it meant to be a student in CDE and be part of a vibrant creative and innovative community.

We would like to thank the following who helped made this CDE Summer School 2023 a success:

  • CDE Student Mentors: Anna, Archi, Chloe, Dheekshitha, Elton, Eric, Ethan, Harini, Joey, Patrick, Reayun and Zhe Li
  • Judges: Associate Professor Cheah Kok Ming (Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Programmes), Assistant Professor Adrian Chong, and Dr. Elliot Law
  • Speakers: Dr. James Kah (Assistant Dean (Outreach), Undergraduate Programmes) and NUS Centre for Future Ready Graduates, Shaun, Desmond, Shirlyn
  • Host departments: Department of the Built Environment, Division of Industrial Design, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management
  • Venue: Engineering Design and Innovation Centre, Innovation and Design Hub
CDE Summer school

CDE’s Co-Design Week@Health District is led by Dr Bina Rai (NUS Department of Biomedical Engineering), who describes co-design as “a journey of discovery, collaboration, and co-creation that sparks innovation and social change”. Bringing together students from Biomedical Engineering, Industrial Design and Architecture as well as Psychology and Life Science, Co-Design Week 2023 aimed to unite designers with the communities they are designing for in an intensive and engaging process of co-creation. At the end of the sessions, Team SHAPE were announced as the 2023 winners for their idea for Augmented Reality (AR) personalised gardens, designed to motivate retired seniors to stay socially and cognitively active. In second place were Team Silver Broadcast for their proposal for an app that allows the creation and sharing of podcast-style for seniors by seniors.

At this year’s Division of Industrial Design (DID) Graduation Showcase 2023 – an annual event featuring the thesis projects completed by the graduating NUS DID students – 46 young designers demonstrated their skills, rigour, creativity, and sense of empathy through a diverse range of creative works, including inventions that help to foster relationships and community spirit, as well as enhance health and safety. Themed Design-in-Flux, the showcase was held from 9 to 11 June 2023 at SDE 4.

Watch a video on Auxobrace – one of the projects featured at the event!

Jointly organised by the Engineering Design and Innovation Centre (EDIC) and the Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA), the DSTA SpaceCube Workshop was organised for participants from secondary schools, junior colleges, and other institutes of higher learning. The workshop provides a unique hands-on opportunity for students to assemble, programme and test a CubeSat. This workshop, held from 12 to 16 June 2023 at the CDE Innovation and Design Hub is an effort to encourage and motivate students to get involved in space technology.