SHINE Centre hosts AI forum in collaboration with Marvell

Keynote speaker Professor Aaron Thean, Deputy President (Academic Affairs) and Provost of NUS, outlined ways CDE and SHINE centre have been expanding the talent pool in the semiconductor industry.
Keynote speaker Professor Aaron Thean, Deputy President (Academic Affairs) and Provost of NUS, outlined ways CDE and SHINE centre have been expanding the talent pool in the semiconductor industry.

The Singapore Hybrid-Integrated Next-Generation μ-Electronics (SHINE) Centre and Marvell Asia recently brought together academia and industry experts for a day-long symposium to explore the opportunities and challenges of semiconductor innovation in Singapore. Held on 23 May, the Driving Semiconductor Innovation for AI symposium focused on the evolving semiconductor AI system and the importance of cultivating the semiconductor talent pool in Singapore.  

Following the networking breakfast, the symposium began with a series of speeches from industry leaders and academics. The first speaker was Guest of Honour Mr Beh Kian Teik, CEO of National Research Foundation Singapore. He highlighted the pivotal role of semiconductors, describing them as the “lifeblood of modern technology and are the bedrock of many of the modern digital infrastructure”. 

 “When it comes to AI, that role is even more pivotal,” he said. “We are the engine that drives the complex computation that is required to train AI applications from large neural networks to real-time data processing.” 

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CDE at United Women Singapore's STEM Fest 2024

As part of our continued support for women in the engineering space, CDE was present at this year’s UWS STEM Fest 2024, held at the Sands Expo & Convention Centre on 1 June 2024. Organised by United Women Singapore (UWS), this year's theme, “Bridging Gaps, Building Futures”, speaks to the mission of the STEM Festival: to bridge existing gaps in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics industries and contribute to building the foundation of a future not only for each and every girl but also towards a gender inclusive world!

CDE proudly participated as one of the booth partners, featuring Associate Professor Soh Khim ONG from the Mechanical Engineering (ME) Department alongside Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) students Harini Ravichandran and Tse Hui Chua.

The guest of honour, Minister of State Ms Sun Xueling, visited CDE’s booth and engaged with our students to learn about their projects.

Harini shares, “It was heartwarming to see the interest, curiosity, and joy among the young students who were so excited to talk to us and learn more about how they can learn to build robots. I am truly grateful for this opportunity and proud to be part of our STEM community.”

For Tse Hui, “Seeing participants from diverse age groups, from primary school to working adults, interacting together to learn or share their insights and experiences in STEM is heartwarming. I hope the event has broadened students' horizons and ignited their passion for STEM!”

The event drew over 750 participants, including students, parents, educators, and STEM professionals, offering a platform for exposure to the vast opportunities in STEM fields and showcasing student achievements beyond CDE.

We are proud that our students inspire others to push boundaries and step out of their comfort zones!

CDE Summer School 2024: A summer of discovery!


At CDE, we are passionate about making a difference. This includes helping young talents channel their energies to explore ways they, too, can make a difference!

The CDE Summer School was established as a platform to do just that. The summer camp took place from 5-7 June 2024, bringing together over 110 pre-university students from 28 different institutions. Their learning experiences included:

  1. mBot Robotics Workshop (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  2. Workshop on Materials Selection and Cooling Solutions (Department of Materials Science and Engineering)
  3. Workshop on Reaction to Reactors (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)–
  4. Workshop in Visual Communication (Division of Industrial Design)
  5. Net Zero SDE4 Learning Journey (Department of Built Environment)

Students were then challenged to design and build robots capable of overcoming various road obstacles while carrying a temperature-sensitive payload. Through this, they were encouraged to explore the intersections of design and engineering, while expanding on the knowledge gained through the workshops and learning journey. Over an exciting three days, they also experienced what it meant to be a student in CDE and be part of a vibrant creative and innovative community.

One participant shared, “I learnt more about what CDE has to offer and what the programmes are about, including what they specialise in.”. Another student shared that their greatest takeaways from the summer camp included “Learnings associated with different aspects of engineering and design, insight into life as an NUS student”.

We would like to thank the following who helped make this CDE Summer School 2024 a success:

  • CDE Student Mentors: Adrian Ng, Anna Therese, Archi Sinha, Barbara Chong, Clement Wong, Ethan Teng, Harini Ravichandran, Jordan Loh, Lim Xin Ying, Ong Khai Yang, Ramie Lim, Shruti Moovendran
  • Judges: Associate Professor Teo Chiang Juay (Vice Dean, Undergraduate Programmes), Dr. Vincent Lee (Assistant Dean, Outreach & Special Projects), and Muhammad Fauzi Bin Azman (Outreach Lead, Division of Industrial Design)
  • Speakers: NUS Centre for Future-ready Graduates Hung Yee, Sapphire and Ze Li
  • Host Departments: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Department of Built Environment, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Division of Industrial Design
  • Venue: Engineering Design and Innovation Centre, Innovation and Design Hub

Visit our website to find out more about NUS CDE pre-university engagement events:

Bringing our kids to work!


We are delighted to share the success of CDE's recent "Bring Your Children to Work" day.

The event provided a fun-filled, engaging and educational experience for the children of our staff members, allowing them to explore and learn about our work. There were guided tours of the Advanced Robotics Centre and Fluid Mechanics Lab, showcasing NUS' innovative research and cutting-edge technologies. The children had a blast witnessing riding autonomous wheelchairs and interacting with the robots of the NUS Calibur Robotics student competition team! In addition, the children had the opportunity to observe 3D printing in action. As a special takeaway, they each received a 3D-printed dinosaur gift, not only as a memento but also to inspire them about the possibilities of this exciting technology.

These guided tours aimed to impart knowledge and inspire our kids to explore the fields of robotics, aeronautical engineering, and mechanical engineering. By exposing them to CDE's state-of-the-art facilities and the work done here, we hope to nurture their curiosity and ambition—all while having fun!