Assoc Prof Rudi Stouffs elected President of CAADRIA

AP Rudi Stouffs

Associate Professor Rudi Stouffs, was recently elected President of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA). His term will span two years, from 2024 to 2026. Assoc Prof Stouffs is Dean’s Chair and Assistant Dean (Research). He leads the Technologies Research Cluster and the Architectural and Urban Prototyping Lab in the Department of Architecture and is the Research Thrust Leader for Parametric BIM in the NUS Centre of Excellence in BIM Integration. He is the Principal Investigator of the “Digital Twin-Enabled System Resilience” project in the Future Resilient Systems II research programme and of the “Circular Future Cities” and “Sea-City Interface” projects in the FCL Global research programme (Singapore ETH Centre).

CAADRIA promotes teaching and research in CAAD in Asia and has members on six continents. It was founded with the following objectives:

  • To facilitate the dissemination of information about CAAD among Asian schools of architecture, planning, engineering, and building sciences.
  • To encourage the exchange of staff, students, experience, courseware, and software among schools.
  • To identify research and develop needs in CAAD education and to initiate collaboration to satisfy them.
  • To promote research and teaching in CAAD that enhances creativity rather than production.

Dr Du Hongjian wins Excellence in Structural Engineering Education Award

Dr Du Hongjian received his award from President IStructE 2024, Tanya de Hoog.
Dr Du Hongjian received his award from President IStructE 2024, Tanya de Hoog.

Senior Lecturer Dr Du Hongjian’s paper "Transformative Structural Engineering Education through Design Competitions " received the Excellence in Structural Engineering Education Award for 2024 at the Institution of Structural Engineers UK's annual People and Papers Awards on Friday, 7 June 2024, in London, United Kingdom. oThe event celebrates professional and technical excellence and outstanding commitment to the Institution. The Excellence in Structural Engineering Education Award recognises individuals committed to teaching and passing on their wisdom in the field of structural engineering.

A new publication by Prof Hwang Bon-gang


Professor Hwang Bon Gang has published a book, "Managing Projects with Smart Technologies", written in collaboration with Dr Jasmine Ngo and Ms Zhu Hanjing, both from the Construction Performance Analytics & Innovations Research Unit. This book addresses the impact of smart technology applications on project management and examines how technologically competent PMs can be developed to successfully manage and deliver projects with smart technologies.

Find out more about the book here at: https://www.routledge.com/9781032603643