Past events


Serial Inventor and S&T Advocate Tells Students: Get Used to Failing

World-renowned ‘serial inventor’, entrepreneur and advocate for science and technology Mr Dean Kamen was on campus to share with the CDE community his relentless pursuit to make the world a better place.

“I would ask myself whether I would be proud of something or ashamed of it. If it were the latter, I would rather choose not to do it; life is too short to waste on meaningless pursuits,” says Mr Kamen.

Around 90 staff and students attended the kopi chat on Friday 6 October 2023 to learn from the visionary. The chat is part of the Gamechangers series organised by the CDE Office of Research and Industry.

One PhD student Yiyuan Zhang came with a purpose – to share with Mr Kamen how his FIRST® Tech Challenge held in Shanghai in 2016 had inspired him so much that it led to him studying soft robotics at CDE.

Mr Kamen started FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) at least 30 years ago as a robotics community that prepares the young for the future through team-based robotics programmes. FIRST® has a proven impact on STEM learning, interest, and skill-building well beyond schools and has since evolved into a global movement.

Another attendee at the chat Wang Qiulin, a Year 2 Biomedical Engineering undergraduate, was impressed by one of Mr Kamen’s inventions – infusion pump. “This (infusion pump) was his first major innovation designed to free patients from round-the-clock injections. My dad is diabetic so I could appreciate how the infusion pump could deliver exact shots of insulin when needed,” explained Qiulin.

Highlighting Mr Kamen’s variety of inventions in diverse fields, the chat moderator CDE’s Professor Cecilia Laschi asked how he came to have so many ideas, whether there is a method for teaching creativity, and if he had more inventions today.

Failure is the mother of all inventions, says Mr Kamen, adding that for the many that succeeded there were so many more ideas that didn’t make the cut. “So, get used to failing,” he quips, encouraging the students in the audience to not be afraid of failure and to engage in project-based learning. Mr Kamen wrapped up his chat by disclosing his latest invention – making regenerative organs! In typical game-changer mode no less, he hails an era where biomedical engineering will see a transformative energy.


Hands-On Workshops for Prototyping and Design

During recess week, the Division of Industrial Design (DiD) and Engineering Design and Innovation Centre (EDIC) jointly organised a series of hands-on workshops for our CDE students. The objective was to provide them with just-in-time tools and knowledge to assist them in learning and project work. This is the second series of workshops, with topics ranging from designing in 2D using Cricut Maker and 3D designing using Unity to programming using ESP boards and other industrial standard tools.

The workshops were highly appreciated and oversubscribed!

Watch this space ( to find out more!

RothoSchool x SkyTimber / Mass Timber Architecture in the Tropics International Seminar 2023

The Department of Architecture hosted Day 1 of the RothoSchool x SkyTimber / Mass Timber Architecture in the Tropics International Seminar 2023 on 20 October 2023. The event brought together 150 designers, architects, structural engineers, students and timber construction enthusiasts seeking to create and build significant relationships within the sector. During the seminar, discussions were focussed on three main areas: vision and challenges construction and finance, envelopes and connections.  The day started with a tour around the award-winning net zero buildings on CDE's campus and an opening lecture by Professor Lam Khee Poh, Provost's Chair (Architecture and the Built Environment). The NUS lead for the event was Associate Professor Shinya Okuda, Founding Director, SkyTimber™ Tropical Renewable Architecture Design Lab.