The CDE Alumni Mentorship Programme batch 10 kicks off!

The "Alumni Mentorship Programme: Batch 10" conducted its Welcome and Programme Briefing on 23 November 2023 through Zoom. The Office of Alumni Relations runs this initiative to connect CDE alumni with undergraduates and provide unique opportunities for students to learn about work and life outside the university from our alumni.

The CDE Alumni Mentorship Programme is an important initiative that aims to establish a strong and dynamic relationship between alumni and the student community. During the Welcome Briefing, Associate Professor Kua Harn Wei (Vice Dean, Alumni Relations) shared that the programme aims to maintain a strong connection between alumni and the faculty. It provides alumni with a platform to contribute meaningfully to the development of undergraduates. It fosters a close-knit Alumni-Students community, facilitating relationship-building. Additionally, through the programme,  students benefit by being able to tap on relevant, professional, and up-to-date industry advice.  There has been a significant increase in participation from both sides, indicating the programme's high value. This programme batch has 28 new mentors and 94 active mentees.

We encourage current students to participate and look forward to welcoming you on this journey with us.

Click on Alumni Mentorship Programme to learn more.

SAMPAN: A winning design in MILL One Holland Village Public Art Furniture Design Competition

The five winning designs from the ‘MILL’ One Holland Village Public Art Furniture Design Competition 2022 were successfully fabricated and launched at One Holland Village on 8 December 2023.

Sampan is one of the winning designs, paying homage to the welcoming spirit of Holland Village. Like boats approaching a new land, these benches participate in the dynamics of the place and the flow of passers-by. They are an invitation to rest there for a moment, enjoy the urban landscape, discuss and exchange from different perspectives. The benches were designed by Associate Professor Christophe Gaubert, Poh Yun Ru, Cynthia Chan (Industrial Design, Class of 2022) and Tan Wei Jing (Industrial Design, Class of 2022) from the Design Incubation Centre at the Division of Industrial Design.

Keep an eye out for the outdoor furniture at One Holland Village on your next visit!

Organised by One Holland Village
Curated by FARM
Fabrication by Roger&Sons

About MILL: Organised by One Holland Village, MILL is a public art bench design competition to harness the community's creativity and their love for Holland Village. The aim was to encourage participants to create distinctive benches that not only celebrate the precinct's cultural identity but also enhance the vibrancy of its surrounding landscape.

Read more about the project here: Sampan

Operation Paws received Honourable Mention in Service Design Award 2023

Valeska Tan, a recent alum from the Division of Industrial Design, received an Honourable Mention at the Service Design Award 2023. The Service Design Award is the premier international award for service design, founded by the Service Design Network in 2015. The Award recognises work of an exceptional standard in the field of service design by both students and professionals.

Her submission was for Operation Paws, her final year project. When told as a child that she would have to undergo surgery, she had a fear that she would not wake up. The fears and anxiety she faced during this experience stemmed from her fear of the unknown, inspiring her to work on a way to alleviate anxiety in paediatric patients.

Intensive discussions with paediatric specialist services in hospitals led to the development of an interactive game, Operation Paws, where the patient takes on the doctor's role to treat a chosen animal avatar, preparing them pre-operation with what they can expect after admission to the hospital. The immersive and sensorial play through re-enacting simplified surgical procedures helps them internalise what and why they need to do certain things in the hospital. Understanding this reduces anxiety and makes them feel more in control.

Valeska tested her prototypes with a small group of patients and their parents with very positive results. Valeska now leads the Comms Design Hub in the Division but continues her work on Operation Paws to support parents and children to face their fears.