Kelly Yap

Kelly’s primary interests are service design and interaction design. She has collaborated with companies in consumer product and finance industries, and has also participated in human-computer interaction conferences. Her strengths lie in empathising with users and stakeholders to design enhanced experiences well catered to their needs.


Unfold is an artefact that reacts to a family’s energy consumption in real-time. Depending on how high or low the household’s energy consumption is, the artefact inflates and deflates accordingly. Its transformations are visually intriguing, thereby provoking a curiosity of data in families. It is an aesthetic representation of data for homes, communicating energy consumption in a dynamic and ambient way.

Word Out

Word Out teaches children spelling and the alphabet with full-body interaction. Children twist and turn their bodies to form the shapes of letters to spell words. The possibilities are endless as children not only play on their own, but collaboratively with friends and parents as well. This educational game seeks to make learning more enjoyable with a kinesthetic approach.
In collaboration with Keio-NUS CUTE Centre
Designed with Felicia Paul and Christabel Goh


OCBC Blueprint is an online platform designed to help people visualize their future financial needs with a ‘shop-for-the-future’ approach. It also allows them to plan the steps they can take to achieve those goals with OCBC’s existing services, equipping young working adults with vital knowledge for future financial planning.

In collaboration with OCBC Bank
Designed with Adarrel Ho and Alvina Yeo
