Desiree Lim
Desiree believes that design thrives in works that cross multi-disciplinary fields. With a keen attention to detail and an appreciation for people-watching, she is pulled towards the emotional and experiential aspects of design.
THESIS OCD Empathy Kit
This empathy kit was designed in response to the trivialisation of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Ordeals of the mental illness are translated into an auditory and interactive experience in order to confront misconceptions of and foster understanding for OCD.
Cornerstone is a re-imagination of the scattering of cremains. Cremains are incorporated with organic binding elements to form naturalistic masses such as pebbles. This encourages scattering in natural environments without disturbing the landscape, while creating a personal sanctuary at specifically chosen sites to remember the deceased and provide a ceremonious sendoff.

Designed with Zheng Han John

In collaboration with Nirvana Memorial Garden
An Inviting Turn
Guests are invited to take a journey through the space, encountering the beauty of Shiseido at every turn. The contrast between opaque mass and translucent lightness creates a feeling of elusiveness and allure, particularly in the front façade. Each detail and touchpoint is designed to evoke a sense of timelessness and humble hospitality, while keeping in consideration guest and staff interactions.

Designed with Ang Kay Li & Eugie Song

In collaboration with Shiseido Group
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