Ellvixson Yap Zhen Kang
Ellvixson is a multidisciplinary designer focused in User-Experiences and Products. He aspires to share his knowledge as a designer to contribute in making a difference to society. His family adopted a cat, Meow-mi, in 2016.

THESIS "Just a Little More"
People find comfort in negotiating for concessions with objects and the environment around them. We hit torchlights for their last bits of power or cover our ears when music is too loud. The eventual artefacts are crafted based on the observations of such behaviours.
An Urn is Nature's Will
Many turn to the sea scattering of ashes because of its notion of freedom. Inspired by the dispersal of seeds in nature, the concept provides a light and organic movement of scattering ashes through the wind and depicts a clean visual purity through its translucency and whiteness. The visual effect of scattering is enhanced when the ashes slowly fleet down in that short but lasting temporal moment before the form disintegrates in the water.

Designed with Yinlin Yvonne

In collaboration with Nirvana Memorial Garden
Mosses are a beautiful plant that is always around us. Especially in Singapore’s humid climate, mosses can be easily found in drainage or even along the road. Using moss as the coaster, condensation of water is preserved by watering the foliage instead of ending up nowhere.
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