John Teo
John believes that design is a journey of discovery, a story waiting to be told. He finds joy in taking apart complex processes and systems, digesting the nuances and subtleties that will allow for simple, thoughtful experiences.
Afford is a mobile application designed out of concern for our tendency to spend mindlessly with today‘s cashless payment processes. Trading convenience for more attention, Afford emphasizes on the amount we are spending and heightens our awareness towards it.
Meter is a mobile application that provide timely and useful information feedback to consumers on their utility consumption (electricity, town gas and water). Through various prompts, it encourages users to conserve their utilities. It was awarded First Runner Up, Mobile Application Design for Smart Metering Call-For-Proposal 2017.

Designed with Jolene Ng Jia Ying
Boleh is a mobile application that pushes affiliated events to users such that the user can work on something new and instantly gratifying everyday. Working in conjunction with the Boleh Calendar, a daily planner disguised as a familiar artefact, it acts as a physical reminder to use the Boleh App everyday. It was awarded Best User-Centred Solution, Designathon 2016.

Designed with Chin Guo Hong, Ching Soon Tiac & Jon Chan Hao
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