Huang Yixuan
Yixuan thinks that design is a special place where art meets science, empathy meets rationality and head in the clouds meets feet on the ground.
THESIS Pathfinder
Pathfinder is an enhanced recruitment service platform for out-of-work senior executives aged 50 and above. It is designed to provide a seamless job search experience with a progressive resume builder, skills-based job matching and personalised support system.
The PICkit is a physical toolkit that facilitates the initial settling-in process of both Foreign Domestic Workers (FDW) and their employers. It allows training to be customized in the homes of the employers with instructional stickers and empathy prompts, and is also progressive to cater to the different learning curves of individuals. The project is awarded first runner up and is currently in its pilot phase with MOM.

Designed with Jomains Neo & Chan Wing Kei

In collaboration with Ministry of Manpower
From Guerlain, With Love
From Guerlain, With Love is a pop up store designed with Guerlain’s 190th anniversary in mind. The theme centers around the art of gifting, with an exaggerated digital “gift box” as the centerpiece. The open concept is modular and easily adaptable to any space or product line deemed fit.

Designed with Celiane Bouville & Yang Yang

In collaboration with Guerlain (Asia-Pacific)
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