Tilly Gaucher
Tilly likes to investigate what people are experiencing and where their dreams, imagination and fantasies can lead. She draws on these to explore how design can play on the boundaries of life experience and cause us to question assumptions and old ways of living.

THESIS Passé Composé
Your past, composed to the present. Passé Composé redesigns the experience of an electronic photo frame. Inspired by flashback arcs from cinema, it uses the contextual information of the present to curate digital image and video memories, so the past can be experienced again.
Malleable Marble
At marble factories 30% of material becomes a by-product. Malleable Marble is a new material made by combining different densities of marble powder and combined with silicone to become reconstituted marble pieces that can be casted. Malleable Marble is flexible yet has a marble finishing. The material was applied into two non-slip bathroom mats.

Designed with Ng Zi Ning
Chance in Everyday Objects
Inspired by the act of surrendering to chance, three everyday objects were embedded with chance- taking possibilities. ‘A Golden Staple’, inspired by roulettes, ‘Plan For Serendipity’, a calendar with activities suggested under scratch off cards and ‘Either/or‘, a perfume bottle with two caps, each opening to one of two scent possibilities for your day.

Designed with Chow Jia Yi
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