Teresa Khoo Hui Ting
Teresa is inspired by everyday objects and human interactions. She believes that it is important to find joy in everything she does for creative ideas to flow.

Trace is an intuitive set of non-slip visual cue mat designed for elderly novice swimmers. With Trace, therapeutic water exercises can be made accessible in public swimming pools.
Kami No Ishi
Kami No Ishi, is the intersection between marble powder from a stonecutting factory and paper off-cuts from an industrial printing facility. These two materials in combination unite the beautiful texture and structural rigidity of stone with the dynamic colors and translucency of paper.

Designed with Justin Horst
HEY! is an interactive stationary container that gives a timely reminder for user to take a break. User can set their own working hours, when the time is up it creates an ambient light which can be customisable by the user to create a relaxing atmosphere
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