Tay Ze Jun Wilmer
Wilmer’s passion for design comes from a constant need to problem solve and create solutions that are of positive impact to the people he is designing for. His superhero power is his ability to ideate in his dreams.

ShareCARE is a one-stop platform that provides an easy way for students to connect with the university’s mental health services anytime, anywhere. Features in the application allow students to take mini-steps as they start on their help-seeking journey at an early stage.
Integrated Employment Portal
Currently, information provided by employment agencies are not standardize throughout and are insufficient for both the employer and helper to make a good decision during the hiring process. The Integrated Employment Portal is a platform that allows employers to match with their most compatible helpers under the suitable agency with the help of preference questionnaires, detailed bio data, agency rating and customer reviews. We strongly believe that a better match leads to a better working relationship.

Designed with John Teo & Chan Shi Ming

In collaboration with Ministry of Manpower
D-Chess is a modern chess set that makes use of a 9x9 Daiso wire-net’s intersection to hold the chess pieces. The chess pieces are curated with 12 different unique Daiso products that are attached to customised 3D printed bases.
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