Tan Xin Yu
Xin Yu finds pleasure in observing people and places to uncover design opportunities that can be translated into meaningful experiences. Thinking about the “what ifs” excites her. She believes that good design does not have to change the world, but it enhances our day to day experiences in life.

As we progress towards a cashless society, the virtual nature of money makes is harder for kids to understand its value. ALLO is a mobile banking tool that help kids visualise their money and develop financial literacy in a cashless society.
With the use of 3D printed prostheses to transform the original Daiso flower pot, Illuminate aims to give a renewed perspective on a modular lamp system. The 3D printed parts serve as electrical and structural connections between the “flowerpots” to give the lamp its form as a table lamp, a pendant lamp, or a standing floor lamp.
Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure orthopaedic surgeons use to examine and treat problems inside a joint. An arthroscope (a camera) is inserted into the joint through small incisions, and requires a surgeon or an assistant to hold it throughout the entire surgery. Rigiflex is an arthroscope holder designed to free up the surgeon’s hands. It allows for the required flexibility when manoeuvred and stays in position when hands-free, all achieved in a single action.

Designed with Hong Ling Yang & Lynn Ho Xin Yi

In collaboration with National University Hospital (NUH) Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
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