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Filo : 

Expressing the Aliveness of Memories

Designed by : Gracia Fei
Designed with :
 Zhang Hanwen, Yong Zhen Zhou
When a book is left alone, its pages stir in the wind, transporting us to another page of the story. What if a digital photo album could also be serendipitous, instead of static and organised? What if a small gust of wind could bring us a memory?
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What if a digital photo album could flip and flutter freely in the wind?
The making process: translating real wind into virtual wind to blow paper stimulated on a computer.

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Gracia Fei

Gracia is a gremlin who observes the world from under a bridge. She wants to design things that can enchant everyday experience, take silliness seriously, and make complicated things easier to learn. She takes inspiration from anything that makes her laugh.

Gracia is interested in Experience Design, Social Design and Game Design.