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B : 

Reusable Bubble Tea Cup

Designed by : Tan Kah Wee
Designed with :
 Tommy Cheong, John Marie Tan
B condenses the plastic components of a bubble tea cup redesigned into a single reusable cup, retaining the drinking experience through a recyclable silicone tip that provides the same suction as a straw. A simple twist of the lid allows access to the topping holder, allowing you to swap between your favorite toppings or drinking tea.
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B is made up of wheat plastic, HDPE plastic and silicone.
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The lid is made of wheat straw plastic which utilizes agricultural wheat residue.
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The boba holder makes it easier for users to consume the boba.
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B allow users to have an enjoyable bubble tea experience while going green.
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Exploring different iterations and creating prototypes to test before finalizing the design.

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Tan Kah Wee

Kahwee’s design is guided by a strong belief in improving one’s life. He believes that through design,we are able to form relationships between ideas and connect the dots between people and objects.

Kahwee’s interests lie in Product Design, Furniture Design and Human Centred Design.