My Little Magic Handbook :
Toolkit for Learning Social Skills
Designed by : | Tan Zhi Ru |
Under the Supervision of Associate Professor Hans Tan.
Performing magic tricks is more than just knowing the secret. My Little Magic Handbook is a 3-part interactive toolkit to teach children with ASD and younger children social skills and helps them gain social confidence in a fun way - through learning magic tricks.
It starts with an interactive social story that teaches social skills in the context of performing magic tricks.
This includes tips to common difficulties faced by individuals with ASD during social interactions.
Next is a visual instruction guide to practice and perform the magic trick.
Lastly, there is a guided reflection section for the facilitator to check if the child understood what was taught.
User testing was done with both neurotypical children and children with ASD to better understand the various users.
Various prototypes were made to find the most suitable content, graphics, interactions, format and medium.