Engineering Good: Student Chapter

Engineering Good: Student Chapter is a student-led organisation from National University of Singapore (NUS) that seeks to improve the lives of people through sustainable engineering solutions. EGSC engages students to embark on projects in a structured and guided manner, which we call the TechDev Programme. We partner with non-profit organisations to apply our skills to design a solution to a problem that their beneficiaries face, undergoing an iterative Design Thinking process in order to understand the needs of our beneficiaries before developing a solution.  

Some project teams are also organized to participate in the Tech4Good festival, an innovation challenge by our parent organization Engineering Good, where participating project teams get to showcase their ideas and prototyped solutions in a public festival event. In the previous Tech 4Good festival in 2019, several of our teams even earned the judge’s favorite award. 

To encourage and spark interests in those with less experience in engineering projects, EGSC also hosts workshops to build both design thinking techniques and technical competencies, such as use of 3D modelling software and microprocessor hardware.  

In addition, EGSC also organises community volunteering sessions every semester to extend our reach to the wider community around us, to allow like-minded people to volunteer with us in another way and have a wider impact that goes beyond developing engineering solutions. 


Socials (instagram, telegram, email, etc)