Scholarship & Reimbursement

All Singaporean students who are selected for admission to the E-Scholars Programme will be awarded the E-Scholars scholarship (see here for more details), unless special arrangement with another scholarship awarding agency has been made. There is no bond for those awarded these aforementioned scholarships.

The E-Scholars scholarship will only be awarded to Singapore Citizens with local qualifications.

Yes, however, please note that recipients of the E-Scholars scholarship may not concurrently hold any other scholarship, fellowship, grant or award without prior approval from the University.

For reimbursement, an E-Scholar will be advised to fill up the relevant form.  The reimbursement applies for approved academic activities (e.g., iBLOC courses, Advanced Placement Tests). The duly completed form is to be submitted together with all supporting documents and original receipts to the E-Scholars office via email (escholars@nus.edu.sg), as and when the units for the academic activities are added to the student’s records (i.e. passed Advanced Placement Tests). All reimbursements shall be subjected to the approval of the E-Scholars Director.