NUS Overseas College (NOC) programme

E-Scholars are not precluded from joining any of the available 1-year NOC programmes. It is important to note, however, that, in order to still finish the B.Eng degree in 3 years, students must plan very carefully and very early. Only some of the credits that a student can clear during NOC can be mapped to core requirements. The remaining credits will be mapped to Unrestricted Elective (UE). Availability and usage of UE varies between different B.Eng programmes. E-Scholars are advised to consult their mentor early on and plan their course of study accordingly.

Alternatively, the 4+0 pathway is available to E-Scholars. Students may take this option into consideration if they wish to go on a year-long NOC programme.

E-Scholars will have preferential access to NOC programme.  The application process, including interviews will need to be completed in due course.

Generally, students will indicate their top 3 preferences of the NOC locations at the point of their application submission. NOC will base on students’ preferences and allocate them the location accordingly. However, NOC will normally engage each student before the application process to discuss and establish the best possible location based on a few factors, such as students’ interest, skill set, discipline as well as company’s internship requirements.