31 August 2022

Commencement 2022 highlights

Congratulations to all our 2022 graduates!


We are delighted that four of our graduating E-Scholars were selected to be valedictorians. Congratulations to Ivan, Yan Quan, Charis, and Darren!

Ivan Oh Valedictorian

Ivan Oh (CHE)

Tan Yan Quan Valedictorian

Tan Yan Quan (EE)

Charis Chiang Valedictorian

Charis Chiang (BME)

Darren Lim Valedictorian

Darren Lim (ISE)












In addition, four E-Scholars were awarded the Lew Kuan Yew Gold Medal and IES Gold Medal awards. These medals are awarded to the top performing graduate of each programme throughout the course of their studies.

These are our 2022 LKY Gold medal and IES Gold medal awardees:

Charis Chiang Biomedical Engineering
Fong Kei Sen Electrical Engineering
Ivan Oh Chemical Engineering
Darren Lim Industrial and Systems Engineering


While these are just the highlights, we are very proud of all our E-Scholar graduates, having achieved much within an accelerated timeframe.

Best wishes to all our graduates as you move on to your next adventure; we look forward to your continued success!

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